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home universidad catolica de manizales
Ciudad iluminada en medio de tormenta eléctrica
Ciudad iluminada en medio de tormenta eléctrica
Ciudad iluminada en medio de tormenta eléctrica
Inscripciones abiertas en Especialización en Ergonomía
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Beneficiarios Proyección Social 2018 - 2022-I


Employability rate of our graduates

Estudiantes en movilidad 2018-2022-I

Research Groups

Profesores en movilidad 2018-2022-I

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Why UCM?

The Universidad Católica de Manizales is a Colombian institution of higher education accredited for High Quality, located in the city of Manizales, Caldas. It currently offers undergraduate (professional technical, bachelor's and professional programs) and postgraduate (specializations, master's and doctoral degrees) programs in the areas of Health, Microbiology, Education, Engineering, Architecture, Management, Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Theology, Occupational Health and Safety, Remote Sensing, Cybersecurity, Ergonomics, Advertising, Branding, Quality, among others.

Es una institución ideal para estudiar, tanto por su calidad como por la cobertura que tiene en gran parte del país gracias a sus centros tutoriales. La UCM se caracteriza por tener un alto índice de empleabilidad, un modelo educativo único que procura una formación humanista e integral, por hacer parte de redes de movilidad global, por sus más de 70 años de historia y el impacto que han tenido sus más de 60.000 graduados.

Its high quality physical spaces such as laboratories, library, specialized classrooms and study rooms, facilitate academic training as well as the consolidation of a university life in recreation. The University has facilities for the general public such as the sports campus, swimming pools, synthetic soccer fields, basketball courts, squash courts, swimming pool, gymnasium, sauna and steam room.

The prices of UCM's programs are among the most affordable within the range of private higher education institutions, the University has different financing options, access to scholarships for admission and incentives to subsidize the study.

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