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Do you need financing or do you want to know the scholarships and incentives that the Catholic University of Manizales -UCM- has for you? Learn more about our financial opportunities below.


Top Scholarships

We have scholarships for all the programs of Undergraduate careers, donde los estudiantes podrán acceder a descuentos hasta del 40% en el valor de la matrícula.

They apply from the first semester with the possibility of being renewed every six months if the established requirements and conditions are met.

Applies to public and private schools.

To access this type of scholarship, the Rector of the school will send to UCM ( formal communication, where the qualifications and the respective recommendation are listed.

Eligibility requirements for the Top Scholarship:

  • Formal communication from the Rector or Academic Coordinator of the school to UCM with the respective application or recommendation.
  • List of graduation grades with ranges between 4.0 and 5.0 or High and Above, valid for 2 years.
  • Or you can also apply with your Saber Once test results with a score above 350, valid for 2 years.

Scholarship renewal requirements:

  • To keep a GPA of 4.0 or higher.
  • No academic or disciplinary offenses.
  • Be in good standing with the University in all respects.
  • Do not cancel or fail courses.

Other discounts on educational services

Son of UCM Collaborator20%
UCM Collaborator20%
Student's Brother5%
UCM Graduate10%
Graduados de Colegios de la Presentación en el país10%
National Police and Military Forces10%
Members of Religious Communities - Dominican Family. Family members of Dominican Sisters of the Presentation.20%
Teachers of La Presentación schools10%
Members of other Religious Communities and Priests10%
Outgoing international mobility students40%

The 10% tuition discount benefit is ratified for active and retired members of the National Police and the Military Forces. Priority quotas are granted to veterans of the public force in the following programs:

  • Degree in Technology and Computer Science
  • Tourism Business Administration
  • Advertising
  • Specialization in Branding and Strategic Communication
  •  Specialization in Pedagogical Evaluation
  •  Specialization in Educational Management
  •  Especialización en Gerencia de Proyectos y Valuación Inmobiliaria
  • Master's Degree in Education
  • Master's Degree in Basic Science Didactics
  • Master's Degree in Educational Knowledge Management
  • Master's Degree in Humanities and Theology
  • Master's Degree in Memory and Transitional Scenarios
  • Master's Degree in Agroindustrial Microbiology
  • Master's Degree in Pedagogy
  • Master in Remote Sensing

For Students

Scholarship for academic achievement

La Universidad otorga cada semestre una beca equivalente al cuarenta por ciento (40%) del valor de la matrícula al estudiante que obtenga el promedio de calificaciones más alto en cada programa de pregrado y posgrado.

Compensation Scholarship

Se otorga a estudiantes de pregrado con situación económica vulnerable. La beca cubre el 30% del valor de la matrícula y se otorga a partir de segundo semestre, es prorrogable por un semestre. El estudiante debe prestar servicio de 100 horas en alguna dependencia de la Universidad.   Para acceder a la beca se exige un promedio mínimo de 3.6.

Scholarship for student mobility

Reglamentadas por el Acuerdo del Consejo de Rectoría No. 025 del 30 de octubre de 2024. La Universidad asigna anualmente un rubro presupuestal para esta convocatoria y otorgar becas por valor del 40% del valor de la matrícula a estudiantes en movilidad. Se aplica ámximo a dos movilidades por estudiante.

Scholarship for academic monitoring

Se otorga a estudiantes destacados en el rendimiento académico. Beca que cubre el 30% del valor de la matrícula. Es una estrategia de apoyo tutorial a sus compañeros.

Beca por participación en Línea de Investigación Institucional

Beca que cubre el 35% del valor de la matrícula.

Equity Scholarship

Support for students in vulnerable economic conditions granted by the Administrative and Financial Vice Rectory.

Discounts for athletes and members of the cultural seedbed

For belonging to a sports team or a cultural seedbed10%
Champions or first place in Local30%
Champions or first place in Zonals50%
Champions or first place in Nationals70%
Champions or first place in Internationals100%
Members of Departmental or National champion teams (sports leagues not belonging to the Catholic University of Manizales).15%
Members of Departmental or National teams runner-up in sports disciplines (sports leagues not belonging to the Catholic University of Manizales).10%

Godfather Plan

The Vice Rector's Office of Welfare and University Pastoral leads the Godfather Plan project through which a food subsidy is assigned to UCM students with greater economic needs to contribute to their welfare and permanence. The resources destined for this project come from the voluntary economic contribution of the collaborators and the Sisters of the University.

This project is a reflection of the sense of belonging, identity and spirit of solidarity of the members of the university community appropriate to the institutional charisma and philosophy.

For Collaborators

Son of UCM Collaborator20%
UCM Collaborator20%
UCM Collaborator Course60%
UCM Collaborator Course with contract in another institution30%
External Course (Collaborator or UCM student)10%
Call for support for postgraduate studies for UCM employees50%

Do you want more information about grants and incentives?

Jenny Andrea Rodríguez García
(6)8933050 Ext. 1202
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.

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