Financial opportunities
Financia directamente con la UCM sin intereses
Estudiante nuevo y antiguo:
La UCM te puede brindar la opción de pago para iniciar tu proceso formativo con el 50% del pago de la matrícula. El otro 50% se difiere a 3 pagos que se realizan durante el semestre que estés cursando.
Si quieres hacerte acreedor de este beneficio necesitarás:
- Realizar una carta dirigida a la Hna. María Amanda Tangarife Rodríguez – Vicerrectora administrativa y Financiera, firmada por ti y el codeudor.
- Debes adjuntar:
✓ Desprendible de matrícula del semestre a financiar
✓ Fotocopia del documento de identidad del deudor y codeudor.
✓ Formato de autorización para la consulta en centrales de riesgo y tratamiento de datos personales, completamente diligenciado y debidamente firmado por deudor y codeudor.
✓ Constancia laboral vigente no mayor a 30 días con indicación de tiempo de vinculación y salario del deudor y codeudor. En el caso de ser trabajador por cuenta propia deberá anexar constancia de ingresos expedida por contador público, con copia de cédula y de la tarjeta profesional del contador.
✓ Certificado de tradición y libertad de bien raíz tanto de deudor como codeudor (opcional).
✓ Soporte de pago del 50% del valor de la matrícula. El pago lo puede realizar a la cuenta de ahorros de Bancolombia 05914968862 a nombre de la Universidad Católica NIT 890806477-9 Convenio No. 49201, indicando en la referencia el número de documento de identidad del estudiante.
✓ Fotocopia de factura del agua del domicilio del deudor y codeudor.
✓ Certificado
Una vez entregada la totalidad de la documentación y te sea aprobado el financiamiento, deberás suscribir el pagaré diligenciado y firmado por el deudor y codeudor, este trámite lo realizarás con la Unidad de Cartera.
¿Necesitas más información o asesoría?
(60)(6) 8933050 Ext. 1222
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.
ICETEX Agreement
The University has established agreements for educational credit for students with Icetex. Currently the credit modalities have been adjusted and called "You choose, how to make your dreams come true", for more information and clarity of each of the new lines, we recommend you go to the following link to Icetex website, there you will be able to apply for credit for undergraduate and graduate students.
Convocatoria 2023-II para pregrado, posgrado en el país y exterior
Actividad | Date |
Apertura de formularios 2023-II | 20 de mayo de 2023 |
Cierre de formularios 2023-II | 15 de septiembre de 2023 |
Deadline for uploading documents and making corrections (if applicable) | 22 de septiembre de 2023 |
Deadline to obtain the document verification | 27 de septiembre de 2023 |
Último comté 2023-II | 05 de octubre de 2023 |
ICETEX special credit lines
The University has made alliances with ICETEX, providing benefits in certain lines of credit, in order to guarantee the admission and permanence of students in the Institution.
Credit line "Más Colombiano Que Nunca".

If you meet the requirements established by ICETEX and your credit is approved under this line, the University offers you a discount on tuition for each semester, as listed below:
Academic Program | Academic nature | % discount on tuition |
Tourism Business Administration | Professional | 15% |
Architecture | Professional | 15% |
Bacteriology | Professional | 15% |
Nursing | Professional | 15% |
Environmental Engineering | Professional | 15% |
Advertising | Professional | 15% |
Credit line "Volvamos a clase, quédate en la UCM".
Aimed at undergraduate students who have completed at least 2 academic periods and who have decided to defer their studies, who have a grade point average equal to or higher than 3.4 and who have not been enrolled for more than 3 consecutive academic periods. If you meet these requirements and those established by the ICETEX and your credit is approved under this line, the University offers you a 20% discount in the tuition of each semester. To know the requirements and start your credit application you can access to

ICETEX forgivable credits
Indigenous Communities Fund
The Indigenous Communities Fund - Álvaro Ulcué Chocué facilitates the admission of indigenous Colombians to undergraduate and graduate programs. Its objective is to promote ethno-development and the integral growth of the communities through the education and training of its members in order to integrate them into national development and improve their conditions within the national territory.
The loan is forgivable for compliance with the provision of community work services and successful completion of the financed program.
Interested students and/or applicants may review the requirements and watch for the opening of the call for applications through the following link:
ICETEX Portal - Indigenous Communities Fund
Fund for victims of the armed conflict
The call offers:
100% forgivable loans
For professional technical, technological and university studies
Covers the total cost of tuition up to eleven minimum legal monthly salaries (11 SMMLV).
This resource will be delivered during the duration of the academic program and only for the number of credits or the equivalent in semester that the program has. The resource is one point five legal monthly minimum wages in force (1.5 SMMLV).
The call for applications offers forgivable credits for undergraduate studies at the national level, and people who are included in the Sole Registry of Victims may apply.
For more information click here
Fund for Afro communities
The Special Educational Credit Fund for Afro Communities is a mechanism to facilitate the access, permanence and graduation of students from Afro Communities to the inclusive Higher Education System, in order to guarantee their right to equal opportunities in relation to the rest of the Colombian society (the term Afro Communities includes Afro-Colombian, Raizal and Palenquero populations).
These forgivable credits may be accessed by students from Afro Communities who are enrolled, admitted or pursuing studies in a higher education institution registered with the SNIES (Sistema Nacional de Información de la Educación Superior (SNIES), is an information system that has been created to meet the information needs of higher education in Colombia. This system is a source of information regarding institutions and academic programs approved by the Ministry of National Education.
For more information click here
Generación E - Excellence

The program Generación E Excellence component, allows students to study professional technical, technological or university programs in public and private institutions accredited in high quality, is aimed at the best high school graduates in the country certified by the ICFES, in a condition of economic vulnerability, so that they can access institutions of higher education accredited in high quality. The program finances the tuition fee through a 100% forgivable credit and will provide support for the beneficiary's academic expenses.
Renewal of ICETEX credit
Line of Credit | Fecha de Apertura | Fecha de Cierre | Metodología |
Pregrado y Posgrado País y Crédito Exterior | 16 de mayo de 2022 | 14 de octubre de 2022 | * Actualización de datos estudiante * |
Los estudiantes que ya tienen el crédito deben realizar los siguientes pasos para la actualización de datos:
- Ingresar a la página en el link de renovaciones de crédito.
- Diligenciar la información requerida.
- Imprimir el formato de actualización de datos que arroja el paso anterior, firmar, escanear (el documento debe estar completo y totalmente legible) y enviar en un solo archivo formato PDF al correo El formato únicamente se recibirá vía correo electrónico, no se aceptará de manera física.
External financial entities
In order for you to obtain other payment alternatives, the University has established agreements for educational credit with banks.
Finance up to 100% of your undergraduate or graduate studies through the different lines of educational credit offered by Icetex; short, medium and long term. By clicking on the image you can check the requirements to apply for each of them, it is super easy and the process is 100% virtual. If you require support with the credit application process or have any questions about it, do not hesitate to write to the following e-mail address
Contact us:
Felipe Alzate Sánchez
WhatsApp: 320 359 7654
Apply for the financing of your tuition through the credit offered by the family compensation fund of Caldas CONFA, you or one of the members of your family must be linked to a company that has a Libranza agreement with Confa. For more information click on the image.
Contact us:
Yina Lorena Franco Franco
Phone: 311 386 2816
Access to financing up to 100% of your tuition from the first academic period, applies to undergraduate, graduate, courses, languages and studies abroad. Find the plans and simulate your credit by clicking on the image.
Asesoría-acompañamiento presencial los martes de 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 m. y jueves de 2:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m.
Contact us:
Jensy Carolina Londoño Cardona
Teléfono: 317 644 1631

Los asociados de Coomeva y sus familiares tienen el 5% de descuento en los programas de pregrado y el 10% programas de posgrado, adicionalmente pueden financiar con Coomeva el valor de la matrícula de todos los semestres del programa.
Contact us:
Gustavo Adolfo Toro Cortes
Teléfono: 3169300 Ext. 61179 / 316 533 9968
Note: Take into account UCM's registration and enrollment dates for financing applications and ICETEX credit renewal. Find out more about them here.
Do you want more information about financial opportunities?
Felipe Alzate Sánchez
ICETEX Advisor
WhatsApp: 320 359 7654
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Jeimi Arcila Galeano
Portfolio Analyst UCM
(6) 8933050 Ext. 4123
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.