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General questions about the registration process

What should I have to take into account to complete the registration process?

A/ Once the payment has been made, the applicant must wait 24 hours and enter the web page again. Select the option admissions/pre-enrollment and in the third field you must type your identity document and select the option consult.

In the new window select the option fill out the form now and there attach the required documentation for undergraduate (1 photo type document, the identity document enlarged to 150%, the icfes and the high school diploma) and for graduate (1 photo type document, the identity document enlarged to 150% and the certificate or diploma of the professional degree).

What documents are required for registration?

A/ You must scan and attach in PDF format the original of the following documents:

  • Identity document (enlarged to 150%) (In case of having citizenship card, it is necessary to present it in the current format).
  • 1 ID size photo on white background.
  • High school diploma or transcript (for undergraduate students).
  • Saber 11 test results - ICFES (for undergraduate students).
  • Diploma(s) or degree certificate(s) from undergraduate program(s) (for graduate students).

How much is the registration fee?

  • Learn here about Pecuniary Rights

What do I need to know for the interview?

A/ At the end of the enrollment process, and in order to be admitted by the Catholic University of Manizales -UCM- in any of its undergraduate or graduate programs, you must submit an interview according to the guidelines and specificities of each program.

You will receive notification of the interview by e-mail or phone call with the date and time of the interview.

If you are admitted, the academic program will contact you via email or phone call to continue with the enrollment process.

Important: The Universidad Católica de Manizales -UCM- reserves the right of admission.

If I am in another city, how can I do the interview?

A/ There are several options for conducting the interview:

  • On-site
  • Virtual meeting
  • In a call

What should I know to complete the registration process?

A/ After being admitted you will receive an e-mail with your student code and reference number, with which you will be able to access the system to register. This information will be used to access your student profile; you will be able to consult grades, schedules, among others. To generate the payment slip, access the "SIGA ESTUDIANTES" menu at the bottom of the web page". On the next screen enter the assigned data and select the option "Financial release".

Try to print the detachable in laser quality to ensure the legibility of the barcode. Payment can be made at the financial institutions mentioned above or through the Internet using a credit card. 24 hours after the process is completed, you will be enrolled at UCM.

How can I select the subjects?

A/ 24 hours after the payment has been made, you will be enrolled at UCM and you will be able to continue with the process and select your courses.

You must log in to the UCM website, access the "SIGA STUDENTS" menu at the bottom of the web page. 

  • Enter student code and reference number.
  • Select the self-enrollment box, fill in the required fields in the enrollment form and at the end you will be able to enroll the courses.

In case of connection problems, can I return to the registration process without any problems?

A/ Yes, each step during the registration process gives you the possibility to save your progress.
Questions about: Admission requirements:

Do I have to have a specific score on the Saber Pro tests?

A/ No. This document belongs to the admission process and is a requirement in our University, but it is not necessary to have a specific score.

Do I have to take any kind of exam or test to enter?

A/ Admission to UCM is defined by an interview process; in some of the academic programs, tests are administered at the time of the interview to evaluate specific knowledge.

Do I have to have a minimum age to enter UCM?

A/ No. It is sufficient to have completed high school.

Do I have to have a military passbook to enter?

A/ No. This document will not be required for enrollment in undergraduate, graduate or any other program of the University. It is worth mentioning that, at the moment of completing the study plan, the student must have defined his or her military situation.

Questions about: Securities and financing

Do you apply values according to socioeconomic stratum?

A/ No.

What alternatives do I have to finance my tuition?

A/ UCM has agreements with several entities, which provide support to finance the semester. Visit here financing opportunities.

Where can I find out the cost of the academic program?

A/ Through the web page:, go to the link of the desired program and the main page of each program will show the cost.

Do I have the possibility of accessing any type of discount in case a family member is linked to the institution?

A/ Yes, the University offers you a discount if you apply for certain cases. Find out about them at here.

Where can I find the curriculum of the program I am interested in?

A/ You must go to the top of the web page and select the "Academic Offering" tab, then select the academic program of your interest and on the next screen go to the "Curriculum" option.

What faculties does the University consist of?

A/ It is composed of five faculties. Faculty of (1) Administration; (2) Faculty of Health Sciences; (3) Faculty of Education; (4) Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Theology; (5) Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.

Does the university offer graduate programs?

A/ Yes, you must go to the top of the web page and select the tab "Academic Offering" - "Postgraduate", then a menu will be displayed which is made up of Specializations, Master's Degrees and Doctorates.

Can I do international mobility?

A/ Yes, the University has 3 types of mobility: internships, research internships and academic period. To consult in more detail, visit the website, then go to the top and select the "UCM International" tab. 

With which universities does the University have agreements?

A/ Currently UCM has international agreements with Universities and Associations in Europe and Latin America. For more details, please click on the following link link.

Do the careers offered have day and night modalities?

A/ No, only during the day. It is worth mentioning that the University has distance learning programs that can be taken one weekend a month.

Is English included as a subject in the curriculum?

A/ No. The institution will require 16 levels of English (B2) for undergraduate, 4 levels (A2) for specializations and 8 levels (B1) for master's degrees.

What type of scholarships does the University offer?

A/ The University has several types of scholarships, find out more about them here here.

In which cities can I study any of the UCM programs?

A/ The University has Tutorial Centers in various cities of the country. Get to know them here.

Questions about: Homologates

Is it possible to homologate subjects after having taken a related course at another university?

A/ Yes.

Is it possible to homologate subjects from a technical institution?

A/ No. In this case the subjects taken in a technical institution do not have the same relevance as those taken in a higher institution. Taking into account the above and assuming that previous knowledge is possessed, the subject can be validated by paying the current value, in case of not passing the required tests the student must take the course normally.

What formalities do I have to complete to formalize the homologation?

A/ The institution must send a certificate stating the approval of the subjects to be homologated, then the program director will contact the Academic Registry to make the request. All procedures related to homologation must be sent directly to the program, where the corresponding study is carried out and finally sent to the Academic Registry.

How many subjects can I homologate?

A/ The student will have the possibility to homologate up to 20% of the course.

Questions about: Calendar - dates

What are the dates established in the current period for registration?

A/ UCM is permanently in pre-enrollment.
Closing: Registration will close when the maximum number of participants is reached.

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