Vice Rector's Office for Welfare and Campus Ministry

The Universidad Católica de Manizales conceives institutional welfare as a transversal axis of university life whose foundation is the Human-Christian Development in coherence with its philosophy and its essential components: integral formation, quality of life and community building.
In this sense, the Vice Rector's Office for University Welfare and Pastoral Care is in charge of favoring the relational processes among the members of the university community who participate as co-producers of the mission of higher education.
Institutional Welfare and Campus Ministry play a fundamental role in the university, promoting the humanistic, cultural, psychological, social, sports and economic dimensions of the life of the educational community as a process of integrated co-production among students, collaborators, graduates and others, who participate in UCM as fundamental actors in the mission of the University.
The mission of the Vice Rectory of Welfare and Campus Ministry is to promote the personal and social development of the educational community in order to contribute to generate conditions that promote human development, quality of life and community building as primary factors for the integral formation of the person, consistent with the institutional mission enlightened by the principles of the Gospel, the Social Doctrine of the Church and the congregational charism of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation.