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The culture unit is a service of the Vice Rector's Office for Welfare and Pastoral Care, bringing the Institutional philosophy and the Congregational Charism to the different university scenarios, permeating the university community from the guiding axes of the welfare policy: integral formation, quality of life, Christian human development and community building.
Culture is responsible for promoting the different cultural and artistic manifestations, integrating the human being and society to a harmonious balance between culture, faith and life; the unit of culture mobilizes learning, recreation, human development from their skills, abilities, capabilities and potentialities; contributing to the welfare of each subject, provides a permanent opportunity for expression through art in all its manifestations and its relationship with the world around him.

Presentación grupo de danzas de la UCM

General Objective

To offer the university community spaces for the growth and exchange of artistic and cultural expressions that allow the diversity and richness of the person as a multidimensional and multicultural being to be known.


  • Culture credits: They are academic offerings designed from the skills and needs of the university community, there are offered cultural credits such as photography, dance, Argentine dances, painting, choir, guitar, folk percussion, and are chosen from the preferences of each student immersed in the educational process, this activity is visible to the community in the closing of closing credits that is done each semester where the creative processes of students attending the different cultural credits are shown.
  • Cultural spaces: They offer the possibility of recognizing the multiculturalism of the UCM community through the different manifestations and dimensions of art, they are spaces for creation, awareness, designed to contribute to the use of free time, tools for life, integral development and community building.

The spaces proposed by the culture unit are

  • Art exhibitionsThe purpose of these exhibitions is to sensitize the community through art. These exhibitions are of photography, sculpture, painting or any creative process where imagination and inventiveness act and where the heritage and the preservation of cultural heritage are reflected.
  • Cinema UCM: The cinema UCM is a space designed for those who love cinematographic art and it is also designed to make the most of the free time of the whole community at noon.
  • Short Center Contest: This space created by the Sister Josefina Núñez Library and the culture unit, favors an encounter with the word, where participants have the opportunity to express emotions and put into practice the inventiveness and daily imaginary, every year students, teachers, administrative and graduates are invited to the call for the Short Story Contest, starting in 2018 in second language in participation with the language center.
  • Festivoz: is an annual competition that allows to discover, support and project the vocal talents of the UCM community to strengthen the artistic-cultural expression and strengthen the singing scene in the institution.
  • UCM as a stage for culture: The UCM project, scenario of culture, is a space designed to give life to the multiculturalism that emerges in the institution, because its diverse human groups allow different manifestations from the experience of each person that brings with it its expression and cultural roots, this experience will put in context the culture of our country and the countries of international mobility to recognize all the richness of culture, traditions, gastronomy, beliefs, among others, of the cultures that coexist in the institution.
  • Artistic and cultural groups UCM: These are spaces offered to the university community in order to enhance artistic skills, generating tools for life from the creative processes that emerge there, these multicultural expressions are interwoven from the interests of students, teachers, collaborators and the community in general.

The cultural proposals are the formation of groups of

  • Chirimía: is a group formed 6 years ago, which is dedicated to the assembly of traditional Colombian and Latin American pieces, its instrumentation is mostly of Andean and Pacific folklore.
  • Rock band: this group is a rock and pop music group, with instrumentation of drums, electric guitar, piano, bass and vocals.
  • Instrumental group: this group performs instrumental music in saxophone, piano and percussion format suitable for grades and social gatherings.
  • UCM Orchestra: is a group formed three years ago, which performs salsa and tropical music.
  • Choir this group performs acapella songs from the religious and Latin American repertoire, formed by students from various institutions.

Program and community support activities

  • Welcome to the university community at the beginning of the academic period.
  • Welcome for national and international mobility students.
  • Recreational vacations for employees' children and family members.
  • Presentations with institutional groups: chirimía, rock group, choir, UCM orchestra and the instrumental group requested for grades and cultural and wellness activities for the different on-site, distance, doctorate and graduate programs.
  • Cultural activities during student induction Karaoke
  • Online wellness.
  • Invitation of other entities and institutions to the institutional cultural groups.
  • Participation in local, regional and national competitions of UCM participants in different categories.
  • Accompaniment with liturgical singing in Eucharistic celebrations.

Cultural incentives

The cultural incentives are covered under Agreement No. 018 of May 5th, 2014, where a tuition rebate incentive is given to students who belong to sports and cultural credits in the following order:

  • 5% tuition discount for belonging to any culture credit and sports group, and meet the attendance requirements of 90% of rehearsals and 100 of presentations and obtain a percentage of no less than 3.5
  • 30% tuition discount for students who win local contests
  • 50% tuition discount for students who win regional contests
  • 70% tuition discount for students who win national competitions.
  • And 100% tuition discount for students who win international competitions.
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