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Funcionarios de la UCM en recreación deportiva, clase de zumba

Healthy UCM services promote the development of a culture of self-care, self-protection and healthy lifestyles in the University Community by offering programs in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and outpatient services in general medicine and psychology.

Services offered

  • Consulta de psicología
  • General medicine
  • Educational activities for the promotion of health and prevention of disease.
  • Health promotion days
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Nursing procedures
  • Educational workshops
  • Admission interviews and psycho-technical tests

UCM free of gender violence

UCM has an interdisciplinary team to provide you with comprehensive and timely care in:

  • Medical advice
  • Nursing Psychology
  • Social and personal orientation
  • Legal Counsel

If you are going through a violent situation, we are here for you.


It accompanies the members of the university community through therapeutic and psychoeducational processes, in order to contribute to the mental health and integral growth of the human being.

To provide students and the university community with individual and group psychological counseling, through psychotherapeutic techniques that facilitate the empowerment of the "Self" in the social-professional daily life and in the construction of a life project.


  • Psychological and psycho-pedagogical attention to members of the university community.
    The purpose of the psychological and psycho-pedagogical consultation is to promote, support and accompany the mental health processes of the university community, in order to contribute to the integral growth of all, provide psycho-education and advice on study methods.
  • Admission, re-entry and academic mobility interviews
    They aim to provide support to the management of academic programs in the formation of first semester groups, reentry of students to UCM university life. This process is accompanied by the identification of vocational-professional interests and reentry motivations, with a comprehensive approach to the human being.  As well as the realization of psychological assessment to applicants for national and international academic mobility.
  • Training and psycho-pedagogical support workshops
    Spaces offered to contribute to the integral development of the university community that promote a culture of "good thinking", "good feeling" and "good acting". They include topics of self-knowledge, strengthening of life project, stress management and prevention of alcohol and PAS consumption, integration and strategies for the improvement of academic performance in the different evaluative courts that contribute to both teachers and students in their integral formation.
  • Support to training processes with the application of psychological tests.
    Its objective is to evaluate the competencies of students and collaborators in different processes in order to investigate their interests, abilities, skills, aptitudes, knowledge and motivations with the purpose of making a correlation adjusted to the institutional profiles according to the requirements and needs.
  • Induction workshops for admitted students and for induction to working life
    Process that supports the beginning and completion of university life, taking into account the specific needs of young people entering higher education and the demands of the labor market. Strategies for the reception and appropriation of the institutional philosophy, approach to the congregational charism, as well as for the recognition and appropriation of the competencies developed throughout university life.
  • Campaigns and workshops on mental health prevention and integral development for the educational community
    To sensitize the university community on mental health promotion and prevention, with the objective of reducing risk factors and strengthening self-care practices that contribute to wellbeing and quality of life.
  • Participation in inter-institutional networks
    Strategy of representation of UCM in different committees at institutional, municipal and departmental level for the development of intervention strategies in the promotion, prevention and preservation of mental health of the university community based on vulnerability factors that are crystallized in permanent campaigns of dissemination and strengthening of the protective factors of life as an institutional value.

Contact us:
Nurse Assistant Medical Service: 8933050 - Ext. 2431-2432
Phone:  3225922424

Ruta SPA – Sustancias Psicoactivas

Portability Route

Suicide attempt route

Route in the event of completed suicide

To use our service

Medical Service Rates

Campaña de citología10.000
Campaña de citología15.000
Campaña de citología20.000
Campaña de citología20.000

Information of interest

Do you have any questions, complaints, suggestions or compliments?

Tell us about your level of satisfaction with health services:

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