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English-Taught Courses

Immerse in a Multicultural Interactive Global Learning Experience in Colombia through English as a Medium of Instruction!

Here you will find all our offer of English-taught courses to study abroad in Manizales, Colombia.

*Note: each Colombian academic credit is equivalent to 48 hours of learning.

Global Academy English-taught Courses

Course NameSemesterCreditsECTS approx.Goal and Learning Outcomes
Media & Trends624Goal: to conceptualize, create, design and produce advertising communication with the application of tools of different digital electronic devices, media and languages, as an extension of the creative process. 
Learning outcomes:
Analyze media progress and development critically in order to formulate appropriate and specific proposals germane to the current reality of the brand, the category, and the market in general. 
Question and problematize brand communication advances and evolution
Formulate imaginative, creative and innovative media strategies in line with new market trends.
International Co-working624Goal: to inquire and analyze intercultural identity perceptions to design alternative and digital communication strategies as a solution to comprehend and develop creative alternatives according to the social impact topic delivered at class.
Learning outcomes:
Analyze and understand the concept of intercultural identity and its impact on communication.
Develop creative and innovative communication strategies that consider cultural hybridity, mestizaje, and transculturality.
Apply theoretical and practical knowledge to design communication solutions that address social impact topics.
Public Relations624Goal: to develop a comprehensive view of organizational communication based on an understanding of the history, trends and elements of Public Relations in order to design and plan communication strategies that are coherent with the specific contexts of organizations and their stakeholders.  
Learning outcomes:   
Understand the historical definitions and trends of PR and its relationship with a strategic advertising communication. 
Analyze the elements of PR in order to propose efficient solutions according to the communication problems identified in the organizations.    
Appropriate skills for the correct planning of public relations strategies aimed at different types of stakeholders from different media. 
Global and Intercultural Communication624Goal: to communicate empathically and assertively in global and intercultural contexts that include people from different cultural, language and geographic backgrounds through the promotion of active participation, critical thinking and
collaborative work.
Learning outcomes:
Identify how cultural and language background influence intercultural communication in verbal and nonverbal interactions.
Understand linguistic strategies, such as paraphrasing and intonation, and nonlinguistic, such as body language and eye contact, to improve social interactions.
Collaborate with individuals from different backgrounds towards solving communication problems based on the understanding of the linguistic, social and cultural differences of a global citizen.
Third Culture Identity624Goal: to participate actively in the resolution of local and global challenges for the collective wellbeing, through interaction, engagement, and cooperation with people from different cultures, perspectives and backgrounds.
Learning outcomes:
Demonstrate solidarity and respect for diversity.
Build a collective identity that transcends difference.
Make decisions to act responsibly and collaboratively in the solution of local and global challenges for a more peaceful and sustainable world.
Disaster Prevention and Attention624Goal: to develop critical and argumentative positions on the political, economic, socio-cultural and environmental situations that generate chain natural phenomena and conditions of vulnerability, associated with inequity. 
Learning outcomes:
Identify the scientific and epistemological concepts inherent to natural, social and socio-natural phenomena. 
Evidence awareness of the different social and environmental problems, which generate situations of risk and vulnerability, and to which communities are exposed in the world, in the country and in our local reality through development. 
Integrate scientific knowledge, disciplinary knowledge and research to generate intervention proposals in the territory with communities at risk or in conditions of vulnerability. 
Explain the concepts of first aid, search and rescue protocols, evacuation protocols and emergencies. 
Projects Formulation624Goal: to formulate and evaluate a public or private project, using as tools the logical framework and the general adjusted methodology, and the concepts of the Project Management Institute PMI in order to carry out relevant studies regarding the best practices in management of public or private investment projects. 
Learning outcomes:
Understand the concepts to economically value a public or private project. 
Understand the dynamics of the state in the way projects should be presented to public or private institutions. 
Know the fundamental aspects of how a public bidding process is presented. 
Identify the different phases that comprise the presentation of a public or private project. 
Appropriate the economic, administrative and financial concepts for the development of public or private investment projects.
Contemporary Urbanism Trends624Goal: to analyze the diversity of the territory from the study of contemporary urbanism trends in the national and international context. 
Learning outcomes:
Understand the trends of contemporary urbanism from different disciplines.
Identify and analyze the problems of contemporary urbanism at different scales, complexities and contexts.
Compare human settlements in different scales and national and international contexts.
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