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home universidad catolica de manizales

The Universidad Católica de Manizales, as a congregational and church work, works for the construction of a new citizenship that responds to the challenges of a globalized world from the inclusion, diversity and multiculturalism, promoting the interaction of its university community with the different sectors of society. In this way, it encourages a sense of co-responsibility, solidarity, humanization and social appropriation taking into account the contexts of reality, and thus, promotes strategies and accompaniment in different processes that unite the commitments of extension and social projection with the institutional work. These are some of the projects that UCM currently accompanies.

  • University Mission in Patía Cauca
  • Universidad en el Campo - Education
  • Center for Memory and Peace Studies
  • Macro-project integral accompaniment
  • Project: Fashion System Sector
  • University in your school
  • Campus Capacitas
  • Molding of MEP productive environments for ex-combatants in the reincorporation process.
  • UCM Support Network
  • Foreign language strengthening project
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