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Research Group Alfa

Minciencias Category: A

Institutionalization date: 1998

Knowledge area: Education

Academic programs to which it responds or supports:
Doctorate in Education / Doctorado en Pedagogía / Master's Degree in Education / Master's Degree in Memory and Transitional Scenarios / Master's Degree in Pedagogy


Current projects

  • Cultural Heritage of the San Lorenzo Indigenous Reservation, Riosucio. Characterization of its current state
  • Public space for peace building Phase 2
  • The public space for peace buildingWeaving narratives and meanings of the armed conflict, memory and transitionality in the indigenous reservation of colonial origin Cañamomo Lomaprieta, Riosucio, Supía - Caldas.

Projects completed

  1. Education as a binding action in the transformation of the armed conflict and peace building in Colombia. Doctorate in Education Catholic University of Manizales. Education and Democracy 2017-2018.
  2. Macroproject coffee crisis and conflicts: construction of identity and development dynamics in the subregions of Norte de Caldas and Magdalena Centro. University of Caldas- Catholic University of Manizales. Education and Democracy 2015- 2016.
  3. Collaborative work model for the public communication of endogenous scientific knowledge in biodiversity through the creation of radio and virtual contents. Call 623-2013 STS communication projects program: Social appropriation of STI. Partners: Fundeca; Catholic University of Manizales and Autonomous University of Manizales. Allies: BIOS; Fesco, Aguas de Manizales, Climate Change Network, Corpocaldas. 2015- 2016.
  4. Construction of citizenship from daily practices in contexts of application. Master's Degree in Education, Catholic University of Manizales. Education and Democracy. 2015- 2016.
  5. The educability of the subject: an approach from the social imaginaries of teachers in training (Funded by the MEN, in agreement with the Catholic University of Manizales - University of Caldas).
  6. Coexistence: an approach from the social imaginaries in the social organizations of Caldas.
  7. State of research in education and pedagogy in the Pacific region. Research in the voice of researchers.
  8. Educational experiences: between body, time and space.
  9. Systematization of the experience of Communication and Popular Education Gente Entintada y Parlante of the Colombian Pacific coast.
  10. Systematization of the accompaniment process of the Catholic University of Manizales to the community of San Sebastián de Betania. Phase II.
  11. Construction of Transmedia Narratives for the recognition of the other and of oneself, with the children of the San Sebastián soccer school in the city of Manizales - Caldas.
  12. The value of education in the human development of rural communities". Rural education, Quality of education, Human development, Regional development.
  13. Education for Human Development in the context of regional application.
  14. Critical reading of health education in Colombia. Theoretical model of a curriculum for community health education.
  15. Inclusive Policy, Culture and Practice at UCM.
  16. Political, ethical and citizen training for the construction of peace and coexistence, which enable the human and social recognition of the victims of the armed conflict in educational scenarios.
  17. Emerging Flexible Curriculum in elementary and middle school education, as an inclusive educational possibility.
  18. Cognitive styles in field dependence-independence dimension, self-concept, self-regulation of learning and academic performance in college students.
  19. Characterization of cognitive styles to train in and from diversity.
  20. Accompaniment in the process of Integral Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion of children, youth and adults with disabilities who attend the sports facilities of the Catholic University of Manizales.
  21. Towards an Inclusive Culture and Pedagogies. International Project International Federation of Catholic Universities - FIUC.
  22. Inclusion in Higher Education of Diverse Populations in the City of Manizales. Ministry of National Education.
  23. Pedagogical support service for children and young people with Special Educational Needs belonging to Educational Establishments of the Non-Certified Municipalities of the Department of Choco".
  24. Education for human development in regional application contexts.
  25. Motivation and its relationship to self-regulation and the development of intrinsic goals in college students.
  26. Cognitive styles in field dependence-independence dimension, self-concept, self-regulation of learning and academic performance in college students.
  27. ICT as mediation and motivation in the learning of vector calculus and linear algebra.
  28. Motivation and self-regulation in engineering engineering students from two universities in the city of Manizales. Psychometric validation of the motivation and learning strategies questionnaire CMEA.
  29. Attitudes, mediation and motivation in mathematics learning environments in universities in the city of Manizales.
  30. Senses of quality management in the teaching managers of official educational institutions of Manizales.
  31. Strategic values developed in the organizations of Manizales from the implementation of Quality Management Systems.
  32. Theoretical model of institutional educational management from the Direction by values. Doctoral thesis.
  33. Study of radio audiences in the university population of the Catholic universities of the Eje Cafetero, for the creation of a proposal of contents and programming grids for online Catholic university radio stations in the Eje Cafetero.
  34. Gnoseological organizations of education and pedagogy. A view from the Master's Degree in Education.
  35. Practices and discourses and modes of teaching about political, ethical and citizenship education in the educational center.
  36. The Voices of collaborators, students, graduates, parents and employers in key of possibility and improvement for the resemantization of the UCM University Educational Project The reflective practice of the teacher and its correlation with the professional development of teachers in the context of higher education: Understandings and experiences. Phase one.
  37. Thinking, creativity and academic performance in higher education.
  38. The place of memory in the classroom: the school as a welcoming path.