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Research Group Anthropos

Minciencias Category: B

Institutionalization date: 2015

Knowledge area: Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y Teología

Academic programs to which it responds or supports:
Master's Degree in Humanities and Theology / Master's Degree in Memory and Transitional Scenarios


Current projects

  1. Strengthening of critical thinking in undergraduate students of the Universidad Católica de Manizales (This project is developed jointly with the EFE Research Group).
  2. Problem-based learning of mechanical physics phenomena through critical reading (This project is developed jointly with the EFE Research Group).
  3. Can the objectives of tourism be reconciled with the preservation of collective memory? A look at the case of the city of Manizales from the pidginization of culture (This project is developed jointly with the Research Group Philosophy and Culture, University of Caldas).
  4. UCM Youth: Characterization of the university experience to contribute to the strengthening of life projects.
  5. Rural entrepreneurship in higher education based on the experiences developed in nine universities belonging to REUNE.

Projects completed

  1. Identity and mission of Catholic universities: the role of the humanities. Understanding from the magisterium of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Year 2016.
  2. Pedagogical proposal based on a comparative study of the approaches in affective-sexual education present in the recent Magisterium of the Catholic Church and in the guidelines of the Ministry of National Education. Year 2017.
  3. Mapping of knowledge, pedagogical and community practices in and for peace building. Phase I. Year 2017.
  4. Mapping of knowledge, pedagogical and community practices in and for peace building. Phase II. Year 2017.
  5. Pedagogical proposal based on a comparative study of the approaches in affective-sexual education present in the recent Magisterium of the Catholic Church and in the guidelines of the Ministry of National Education. Year 2017.
  6. Christian humanism. Comparative study of the curricula of human-Christian formation in the universities belonging to the Unicatólicas agreement. Phase I. Year 2018.
  7. Christian humanism. Comparative study of the curricula of human-Christian formation in the universities belonging to the Unicatólicas agreement. Phase II. Year 2018.
  8. University in the field: contributions and social effects for the territory. Phase II. Year 2018.
  9. Systematization of the accompaniment process of the Catholic University of Manizales to the community of San Sebastián de Betania. Phase II.
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