The interest of this group is made explicit by opening up to research and reflection on studies and traces of cultural experiences that lead to the understanding of its investigative nature in pedagogy, in the essence of educational facts and phenomena due to the constant construction and resignification of pedagogical knowledge. Its principle of reality is the understanding of its nature as a community of meaning that reaches states of development. The founding perspectives of the Group are centered on the sociocultural approach, the use of diverse epistemological and epistemic views on the training of trainers and the fundamental task of education.
The Education and Training of Educators-EFE- group is interested in impacting the context in many different ways, through development projects, with which it acts in the midst of communities, through research projects and, importantly, through the training of educators in educational research for the benefit of the local, regional, national and international community.
The group is projected as a pole of scientific and socio-cultural development from which the different undergraduate and graduate programs of the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University of Manizales are strengthened through training and research production processes that stimulate the creation and/or updating of scientifically valid knowledge in the field of education.