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Research Group on Technological and Environmental Developments (GIDTA)

The Research Group on Technological and Environmental Developments (GIDTA) articulates various areas of knowledge represented by different academic programs of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. The group was created for the interaction of professionals with research and create new knowledge, committed to scientific and technological development that impact the academic, productive, business, governmental and social sector of the region and the country, articulating the areas of applied engineering and management, and promoting research training for sustainable development of the territory.

Group objective:

Develop processes that articulate elements of environmental sustainability, competitiveness and innovation, risk management and early warnings, geospatial and telecommunications technologies.


Gloria Yaneth Flórez Yepes

Líder del Grupo de Investigación

Doctora en Desarrollo Sostenible

Alejandro Rincón Santamaría

Doctor en Ingeniería

Alexandra Díaz Gil

Magíster en Gestión Integral de Cuencas Hidrográficas

Angela María Alzate Álvarez

Magíster en Gerencia Ambiental.

Javier Mauricio Naranjo Vasco

Doctor en Ingeniería

Jhon Makario Londoño Bonilla

Doctor en Geofísica.

María Fernanda Ortiz Revelo

Especialista en Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental

Paola Andrea Calderón Cuartas

Doctora en Ciencias Naturales para el Desarrollo

Vladimir Henao Céspedes

Doctor en Ingeniería

Yeison Alberto Garcés Gómez

Doctor en Ingeniería

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