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Research Group on Technological and Environmental Developments (GIDTA)

Current projects

Projects completed

  1. Development of a low-cost mass movement monitoring system, case study: Cerro Sancancio de Manizales.
  2. Machine vision system for automatic karyotyping of human chromosomes in metaphase.
  3. Analysis of urban solid waste management in Manizales. An approach from education and environmental culture. Phase 1.
  4. Analysis and implementation of technological alternatives for the valorization of sludge from industrial wastewater treatment plants. Phase 3. Manizales WWTP.
  5. Determination of the BMP (Biochemical Methane Potential) of sludge from a wastewater treatment plant in Caldas and quantification of a low-cost biogas sensor.
  6. Estimation of the concentration of particulate matter in the troposphere through the joint analysis of satellite images and in-situ monitoring of the city of Manizales.
  7. Evaluation of the removal of metals from INDUMA Manizales industrial wastewater, using series connections of free-flow constructed wetlands.
  8. Preliminary evaluation of the possibility of valorization of steel mill dusts by means of a physicochemical process at laboratory scale. Phase 2.
  9. Automatic recognition of movement patterns used in the sign language of the severely hearing impaired population.
  10. Socioeconomic valuation for water provision of high Andean wetlands located in the upper part of the Chinchiná river basin, Colombia.
  11. Treatment of non-domestic wastewater from microalgae-bacteria systems and the potential use of their biomass as methane.
  12. Analysis and implementation of technological alternatives for the valorization of sludge from industrial wastewater treatment plants. Phase 2: alternative materials.
  13. Consolidation and strengthening of tools for the sustainability of high Andean wetlands.
  14. Evaluation of the organic matter removal efficiency of domestic wastewater from the Caldas Hydroelectric Power Plant CHEC Island, using subsurface flow constructed wetlands.
  15. Formulation of a planning model for the strategic direction of an environmental management system at UCM: towards the consolidation of a university environmental culture.
  16. Generation of a radiometric correction model for multispectral images acquired by an ART.
  17. Development of an on-line condition monitoring and fault diagnosis system for hydroelectric generation systems using a network of high-resolution wireless data sensors.
  18. Performance evaluation of free-flowing artificial wetland for removal of metals from acid mine drainage from gold mining beneficiation.
  19. Implementation of a strategy for the formation of a culture of sustainable consumption in educational institutions in Manizales.
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