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Infectious Diseases Research Group (GINEI)

Minciencias Category: A

Institutionalization date: 2007

Knowledge area: Ciencias de la Salud / Medicina clínica

Academic programs to which it responds or supports:


The research group in Infectious Diseases GINEI proposes to improve health conditions in the community through scientific and technological training of human resources for surveillance, prevention and control of infectious diseases at national, regional and international level; intervening in processes that respond to the challenges of research in science and technology, and the consolidation of new lines of research in the area of human clinical.

The objective of the group is to study, through interdisciplinary work, the distribution, behavior and characterization of infectious phenomena occurring in the population of the area of influence and thus contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the identification of problems that can and require immediate intervention actions.


Beatriz Elena Padilla Hurtado

Líder del Grupo de Investigación

Doctora en Ciencias Agrarias

Ana Elisa Rojas Rodríguez

Magíster en Ciencias Biomédicas con Énfasis en Microbiología.

Bibiana María Toro Osorio

Magíster en Salud Pública

Diana Carolina Meneses Cabezas

Magíster en Microbiología Industrial

Eduardo Javid Corpas Iguarán

Director de Investigaciones y Posgrados

Fernando Siller López

Doctor en Biología Molecular.

Gloria Inés Estrada Salazar

Magíster en Microbiología

Nidia Marcela Zuluaga Londoño

Magíster en Pedagogía

Olga Lucia Tovar Aguirre

Doctora en Microbiología.

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