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Agroindustrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Research Group (GIMIBAG)

Minciencias Category: A

Institutionalization date: 2001

Knowledge area: Ciencias de la Salud / imba

Academic programs to which it responds or supports:
Bacteriology / Master's Degree in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology / Master in Ecoengineering / Master's Degree in Agroindustrial Microbiology


The Agroindustrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Research Group -GIMIBAG- is a group dedicated to research in the area of agricultural sciences that seeks to generate innovative solutions for technological development in the agroindustrial sector, contributing to the social, economic and cultural transformation of society, the productive sector and the academic community as a creative and innovative support for development.


  1. Contribute to agro-industrial development through the use and technological innovation of agricultural products in each of the links of the agro-industrial sector.
  2. Promote the articulation of agricultural production with industrial transformation processes for the benefit and social, economic and environmental impact of the region.
  3. Contribute to scientific and technological development in the area of agricultural sciences, through the production of knowledge and research training of students, professors and researchers in undergraduate and graduate programs, providing solutions to the needs of the productive sector and society.
  4. Promote the relationship between the university and the productive sector, through projects and other inter-institutional strategies, to face the opportunities and challenges posed by the country for the development of the agro-industrial sector. 


Alejandro Rincón Santamaría

Doctor en Ingeniería

Beatriz Elena Padilla Hurtado

Doctora en Ciencias Agrarias

Claudia Nohemy Montoya Estrada

Doctora en Fitopatología

Dilbert Harley Vivas Zárate

Magíster en Microbiología Agroindustrial

Eduardo Javid Corpas Iguarán

Director de Investigaciones y Posgrados

Gloria María Restrepo Franco

Doctora en Ciencias Agrarias.

Javier Guillermo Mantilla Afanador

Doctor en Entomología

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