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Integrated Management Systems Research Group (SIG)

The research group Integrated Systems for Management (SIG) addresses the area of quality management, an area of knowledge transversal to all the disciplines that UCM works in its different undergraduate and graduate programs that responds to the needs of the environment and its expectations, seeking to impact all sectors of local, regional and national life with scientific, technological developments and intervention proposals worked from a human and interdisciplinary framework that enriches visions and allows the generation of networks and projects that truly transform the reality of the contexts in which it operates, regional and national life with scientific and technological developments and intervention proposals worked from a human and interdisciplinary framework that enriches the visions and allows the generation of networks and projects that truly transform the reality of the contexts studied in the quality processes of organizations in different sectors.


Érica Liliana Ocampo Martínez

Magíster en Mercadeo

Erik Marcelo Sepúlveda Vargas

Magíster en Administración con Énfasis en Gerencia

Hedilberto Granados López

Magíster en Educación.

Jhon Jairo Ángel Hernández

Magíster en Ingeniería Industrial

Jorge Eliécer Rivera Franco

Doctor en Educación.

Leidy Natalia Gaviria Ocampo

Magíster en Ingeniería con énfasis en gestión tecnológica e innovación

Lina Marcela Florez Loaiza

Magíster en Creatividad e Innovación en las Organizaciones

Lina Patricia Muñoz Jiménez

Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Comunitario.

Mabel Ibarra Luna

Magíster en Gerencia del Talento Humano.

Paula Andrea Peña López

Magíster en Administración de Negocios

Richard Nelson Román Marín

Magíster en Salud Pública.

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