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Integrated Management Systems Research Group (SIG)

Quality Management

Its objective is to generate inter and transdisciplinary knowledge from the approach of problems related to quality management, with the participation of different programs, faculties and research groups of UCM or other institutions of the local, national and international context.

Quality management has a direct relationship with the social mission of the University, which consists of offering quality and pertinent education to its students, for which it requires agile, effective and productive processes, which can only be achieved with well-constituted quality management systems, built based on the generation and management of its own knowledge, with the appropriation of concepts and their transfer to the institutional, local and regional culture and reality.

The themes of the line are:

  1. Quality Management Systems.
  2. Integrated Risk Management System.
  3. Integrated Management Systems.
  4. Quality of Health and Education.

Tourism Sustainability

This line of research aims to generate knowledge about the relationship between sustainability as a multidimensional challenge of society and tourism as an activity that mobilizes resources increasingly, from the economy, culture and environment, in order to contribute to the understanding of the potential and transfer of knowledge to the academic, institutional and productive environment.

Some of the achievements in the work of the line are participation in local and regional research networks such as the REDSI network and articulation with international researchers from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain since 2014, specifically with the research group ANTE - Territorial Analysis of USC, carrying out different academic and research activities, which has allowed joint academic production, additionally, accompaniment in research processes applied to the productive sector offering different consultancies for tourism management at the departmental level supporting the municipalities of Aránzazu, Salamina, Pacora, Aguadas and Manizales.

The themes of the line are:

  1. Sustainability in the Administrative Management of Tourism.
  2. Tourism activity, sustainability and competitiveness.
  3. Social responsibility in tourism, environmental, economic and social sustainability.

Health management

Its objective is to generate knowledge on the management of health sector organizations, useful for decision making and for improving the performance of health service systems in the region and the country. The projects led in this area have allowed to carry out several processes in the sector, such as consultancies and technical reports that have contributed to the improvement of health administration processes in several institutions of the sector.

The Health Administration line has focused its research on relevant problems of the sector in alliance with institutions such as the National University in Manizales, the Health Secretariat of Manizales and Assbasalud. The results of the research processes have been presented through technical reports to the institutions with which these alliances have been made in order to contribute with the information to the decision making process that results in an improvement in the provision of health services.

The themes of the line are:

  1. Quality assurance.
  2. Human talent.
  3. Public Health .
  4. Work teams. 
  5. Colombian regulations.
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