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Institute for Research in Microbiology and Agroindustrial Biotechnology

Collection certified with the Registro Único Nacional de Colecciones Biológicas N°710 by the Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Alexander von Humboldt, in accordance with the provisions of Decree 1375 of 2013 of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.

The Microorganisms Collection of the Catholic University of Manizales is the repository of microorganisms administered by the Universidad Católica de Manizales, attached to the Research Institute of Microbiology and Agroindustrial Biotechnology. The Collection is constituted by four sub-collections: Clinical, Agricultural, Industry and Reference. These contain microorganisms (Fungi, Yeasts, Bacteria) from environmental samples (plant waste), from monocultures (agricultural), from effluents and industrial waste (industry), and isolates from research in the area (clinical). 

The collection has approximately 191 microorganisms, distributed as follows:

Bacteria: 29 genera and 42 species

Fungi: 2 genera and 3 species

Yeast: 1 genera

Microorganisms have been taxonomically classified by traditional methods according to Bergey's manual (Bergey´s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology), commercial biochemical tests (API and BBL Crystal) and molecular characterization (16S, ITS).

The collection has different conservation systems to ensure the preservation of microorganisms, as follows:

  • Bacteria: Cryopreservation (-80), Sterile Distilled Water, Mineral Oil and Filter Paper.
  • Fungi: Criopreservación (-80) para esporulados, Agua Destilada Estéril, Aceite Mineral (micelio) y Papel Filtro.
  • Yeast:Cryopreservation (-80), Sterile Distilled Water, Mineral Oil, and Filter Paper.


Conservation of Microorganisms

Conservation of bacteria, fungi and yeasts in pure culture, cryopreservation, mineral oil, distilled water and filter paper. The repository can be public or private. Microorganisms must have a collection permit or informed consent according to the microorganism.

Transfer of Microorganisms

Internal and external transfer of microorganisms in pure culture, for which a contract must be signed between the University and the Researcher where the requirements for the use of the microorganisms are established. 

Characterization of Microorganisms

Phenotypic characterization, and biochemical characterization through API or VITEK of microorganisms in pure culture, for confirmation or characterization down to genus.

Exchange of Microorganisms

Exchanges of biological specimens with other collections of microorganisms registered in the Registro Único Nacional de Colecciones Biológicas-RNC.

Consulting and advisory services

Advice and consultations on conservation and characterization of microorganisms. 


School visits for high school, college and postgraduate students, in which training processes can be carried out.


Specialized academic personnel, who may be associate curators, researchers or professors on internships, sabbaticals or post-doctoral stays.

Need more information?

Mónica Julieth Henao López
Curator Collection of Microorganisms UCM
(60)(6) 8933050 Ext. 3150
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Answers in 3 business days

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