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home universidad catolica de manizales

Strategic Platform

UCM Profile

As a congregational and Church work, from its identity, it works in integral formation in dialogue with the environment, to contribute to social and cultural transformation, supported by principles of participation and co-responsibility, with quality criteria in the international context.

UCM Mission

Contribute to the integral formation of the person from a humanistic, scientific and Christian vision, enlightened by the Gospel, the Magisterium of the Church and the Congregational Charism of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. It orients the academy with criteria of universality, humanization of knowledge, quality and innovation, for the construction of new citizenship as an expression of the dialogue between faith-culture-life, to respond to the challenges of contemporary society, in the context of a globalized world with social and ecclesial sense.

Institutional Dream

As a family, following Marie Poussepin's example, to forge, day by day, integral men and women, leaders and builders of a new humanity.

UCM Vision

By 2025, we will be the first option in the region for making comprehensive education visible from a humanistic, scientific and Christian perspective, consolidating an academic community that, from a liberating personalization, contributes to social and cultural transformation and becomes a national and international reference for inclusion and equity.

Ethics and Corporate Values

Truth and Charity are the source from which emanate the values that privilege the University: the Defense of Life, Solidarity, Justice, Peace and Citizen Coexistence.

Institutional Pillars

Humanization - Socialization - Transcendence.

Strategic Directions

  • Inclusion, diversity and multiculturalism in articulation with the institutional work.
  • Co-responsibility in institutional sustainability.
  • Autonomy based on quality criteria.
  • Visibility of contributions.


Mega 1. To be recognized as a diverse, inclusive and multicultural community that contributes to a more just, supportive and fraternal society.

1.1 To develop institutional competencies in coherence with the educational purposes of the PEU.
1.2 To provide conditions that stimulate social commitment, promote intellectual effort, encourage autonomy and favor participation in pastoral ministry.
1.3 Develop capabilities for global performance.

Mega 2. To be strong and recognized for innovation, scientific production and entrepreneurship.

2.1 Articulate the substantive functions to achieve results in scientific production, innovation and entrepreneurship.
2.2 Strengthen the innovation ecosystem supported by the articulation of the substantive functions.
2.3 Develop quality innovation and entrepreneurship actions that achieve regional impact.
2.4 Diversify alliances and funding sources for innovation, science and entrepreneurship.
2.5 To strengthen pastoral ministry and its articulation with the substantive functions as an added value to the region.

Mega 3. To sustain a university community recognized for its quality, cohesion and integral development.

3.1 Promote integral professional development that fosters valuable learning experiences that result in personal and collective development.
3.2 Maintain a culture of evaluation aimed at continuous improvement.
3.3 Generate conditions to promote healthy coexistence, quality of life, human development and community building.

Mega 4. To have an effective system of university governance and management.

4.1 Strengthen institutional governance to promote a sense of direction based on principles of trust.
4.2 Design and implement the institutional architecture (organization, processes and positions) that supports the implementation and deployment of the IMP 2018 - 2025.
4.3 Implement a system of accountability as part of the UCM culture of co-responsibility.
4.4 Consolidate the Institutional Effectiveness Model for optimal decision making at all levels.

Mega 5. Develop relevant academic programs that strengthen comprehensive education and human and social development, with international quality standards as benchmarks.

5.1 Ensure that the programs offered are relevant and respond to social, environmental and cultural challenges.
5.2 To have institutional mechanisms that promote pedagogical innovation in the classroom.
5.3 Establish feedback mechanisms to meet labor demands.
5.4 Implement strategies to follow up on the performance of graduates.

Mega 6. Vital physical and virtual campus, which resolves in an exemplary and inclusive way the relationship with knowledge, the university community and its environment.

6.1 Develop physical and technological infrastructure principles and standards that promote institutional values.
6.2 Promote and develop a vital campus where physical and virtual spaces are integrated.
6.3 Promote the use of information and communication technologies in the university community.
6.4 Promote actions that enhance Manizales as a university city.

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