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The Shield:

The shape of the coat of arms was the usual one in France, country of origin of Marie Poussepin, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity, Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin.

On the green or sinople background, which symbolizes hope among the virtues and creativity, constancy and fearlessness among the qualities, appears the focal point of the Catholic University of Manizales, visualized with the cross that identifies it as a Christian and Catholic institution.

The colors used are:

Green or sinople symbolizes hope among the virtues, and among the qualities, creativity, constancy and fearlessness.

Blue or azure symbolizes among the virtues, justice and among the qualities, gentleness, loyalty and piety.

Red or gules that borders the coat of arms represents strength among the virtues and among the qualities of courage, fidelity, joy and honor. For the University, the red also symbolizes the fruit of coffee, the wealth of the coffee region.

Gold symbolizes nobility and charity.

"For further graphic explanation of the Institution's coat of arms, please refer to the UCM Corporate Identity Manual."

The Flag:

The flag of the Universidad Católica de Manizales has three (3) horizontal bands of equal size with the colors blue, white and green, separated by two thin red bands. In the center is the University's coat of arms.

Blue is the color of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation, because the Virgin Mary is their patroness and protector.

White represents the flowers of the coffee tree and the whiteness of the snow-capped mountains.

Green symbolizes the foliage of the coffee plantations and the greenery of the land.

Red embodies the ripe coffee beans and the fiery blood of youth.

The Hymn:


Entre los Andes y el cielo,
en cenit de inmensidad,
hacia la luz inspirada,
fulge la universidad (bis).


Noble Hispania te dio por emblema,
las consignas gloriosas del Cid;
de Jesús el madero sublime,
la firmeza, el coraje en la lid.
Signo puro de joven promesa,
nos exorna la heráldica flor;
campo grácil que aroma y cautiva,
de la regia Patrona en su honor.



Tus cuarteles de verde esperanza,
sangre y plata tiñeron de ardor;
son la imagen gentil de la urbe
adormida del Ruiz al rumor.
Labra el bloque procaz de la duda,
surtirá de esplendor la verdad,
en crisoles de paz y justicia
atesora su fiel la igualdad.



Prestas alas de cóndor al vuelo,
de la mente, fecunda misión;
hace sabio y virtuoso al que emprende
tus caminos con fe y con pasión.
Que te canten las crestas andinas,
que te adornen las nieves del Ruiz;
que tus claustros se llenen de gloria,
que te cubran las flores de lis.


Lyrics: Javier Gutiérrez Villegas
Music: Andrés Rosa Summa, Presbítero Salesiano

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