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Tourism Business Administration

Price $5.562.200

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 10 Semesters

Degree: Administrador(a) de Empresas Turísticas

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 108754

15642 del 18 de diciembre de 2019 por 7 años

Faculty of Business Administration

Level of education: Career - Undergraduate program

Admission: Every Semester

Travel the world, be amazed by what you can discover beyond borders and contribute strategically to tourism growth!

El programa de Administración de Empresas Turísticas de la UCM, te da la oportunidad de conocer, comprender y apropiarte de los atractivos naturales y culturales de las regiones, con el fin de lograr una formación integral y calificada para que dirijas, administres, gestiones, planees y conserves espacios turísticos idóneos para el desarrollo social y económico de las regiones.

At UCM you will develop a scientific, humanistic and strategic vision of management, which will allow you to develop leadership skills, critical thinking and entrepreneurial spirit to achieve your managerial goals in companies whose corporate purpose is tourism. Additionally, you will acquire criteria of social responsibility and sustainability that will promote the development of the tourism sector in the region and the country.




Basic sciences

Semester 1

Fundamentals of Management

3 Credits

Logical Mathematical Thinking

3 Credits


3 Credits

Tourist Context

2 Credits

Tourism Geography

3 Credits

Communication Skills I

2 Credits

Sports or Artistic

1 Credit

Semester 2


2 Credits

Calculus for Administration

3 Credits

Introduction to Economics

2 Credits

Tourism Enterprises I

3 Credits

Administration and Management

3 Credits

Communication Skills II

2 Credits


1 Credit

Semester 3


2 Credits

Accounting Fundamentals

2 Credits


2 Credits

Tourism Enterprises II

3 Credits

Technological Tools for Tourism

2 Credits

Opcional Sociohumanística

2 Credits


2 Credits

Social Thought and Charisma

2 Credits

Semester 4


3 Credits

Financial Accounting

3 Credits


2 Credits

Marketing Fundamentals

2 Credits

Business Legislation

2 Credits

Environmental Education

1 Credit

Ethics and Corporate Values

2 Credits

Semester 5

Costs and Budgets

3 Credits

Market Research

3 Credits

Typologies of Tourism

4 Credits

Cultural Management and Heritage

3 Credits

Creative thinking and innovation

2 Credits

Political Constitution

2 Credits

Semester 6

Mathematics and Financial Analysis

3 Credits

Operations Research

3 Credits

Organizational Psychology

2 Credits

Management Skills

2 Credits

Cultural Landscape

2 Credits


2 Credits

Research Seminar

2 Credits

Socio-Political Context

2 Credits

Semester 7

Tourism Legislation

2 Credits

Financial Management

3 Credits

Project Formulation

2 Credits

Management Elective I

2 Credits

Land Planning and Management

4 Credits

Tourism Product Design

4 Credits

Semester 8

Integrated Management Systems

3 Credits

Human Talent Management

3 Credits

Project Execution and Evaluation

4 Credits

Tourism Marketing

3 Credits

Business Plan

2 Credits

Semester 9

Social and corporate responsibility 

2 Credits

Tourism and Development

4 Credits


2 Credits

Tourism Elective II

3 Credits

Corporate Management

3 Credits

Undergraduate Work

Semester 10

Labor Practice

10 Créditos


Lina Marcela Florez Loaiza

Director de programa

Magíster en Creatividad e Innovación en las Organizaciones

Natalia Zuluaga

Director de programa

Magíster en Gestión de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, Excelencia, Medio Ambiente y Responsabilidad Corporativa

Érica Liliana Ocampo Martínez

Magíster en Mercadeo

Erik Marcelo Sepúlveda Vargas

Magíster en Administración con Énfasis en Gerencia

Jhon Jairo Ángel Hernández

Magíster en Ingeniería Industrial

José Luis Aguirre Valencia

Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales

Mabel Ibarra Luna

Magíster en Gerencia del Talento Humano.

Stella Cardona Páez

Magíster en Economía

Why this program at UCM?

UCM has the only training program focused on tourism in the region endorsed by the Ministry of National Education. After the appointment of Caldas, Risaralda, Quindio and Cauca as Coffee Cultural Landscape by UNESCO, the Catholic University of Manizales gives a response to this reality by training professionals capable of designing and managing projects that help the development of the regional, national and international tourism sector. Currently, our graduates are recognized in the country due to their strict comprehensive training in advanced areas of tourism knowledge, in addition to having skills and abilities certified by the UCM in administrative, operational, managerial, strategic, quality and service areas. This guarantees adaptation to the evolution of the market and the industry by having a high qualification for the management of tourism projects. Our program seeks that the academy is directly related to reality, for this reason, with the support of our students we accompany municipalities such as Riosucio, Supía, Salamina, Popayán and Puracé, among others, in the creation of tourism policies for the strengthening of the region and the learning of our academic community.

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.
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