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home universidad catolica de manizales


Price $6.751.400

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 10 Semesters

Degree: Arquitecto (a)

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 4389

006862 del 27 de abril de 2023 por 4 años

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Level of education: Career - Undergraduate program

Admission: Every Semester

¡Construye sueños y edifica nuevas realidades con Arquitectura UCM!

El programa de Arquitectura de la UCM, te da la oportunidad de proyectar, construir y gestionar territorios y espacios ambientalmente habitables, que sean agradables, cómodos y acordes con el estilo de vida y trabajo de las personas.

At UCM, you will learn to design spaces from their essential components such as form, size, proportion, aesthetics, rhetoric and the specific details that can make spaces buildable and livable.

As a future UCM architect you will have the possibility to constantly innovate in construction, prioritizing the quality of life of people, and allowing the growth of cities through your creativity and design skills to obtain more sustainable territories.



Basic sciences

Semester 1


2 Credits


2 Credits

Ethics and Corporate Values

2 Credits

Sports and Arts

1 Credit

Basic Fundamentals of Structures (Applied Physics)

2 Credits

Spatial Comprehension - Project 1

4 Credits

Theory of Spatial Comprehension - Project 1

1 Credit

Introduction to Architectural Graphic Representation - Project 1

3 Credits

Semester 2

Logical Mathematical Thinking

3 Credits


1 Credit

Constructive Processes

2 Credits

Inhabited Space - Project 2

4 Credits

Theory of Inhabited Space - Project 2

1 Credit

Analog and Digital Representation 1 - Project 2

2 Credits

Structural Systems - Project 2

2 Credits

Semester 3

History of architecture - From prehistoric times to the century XVIII

4 Credits

Lightweight Structures

2 Credits

Materials and Finishes

2 Credits

Construction Information Model

2 Credits

Place and Architecture - Project 3

4 Credits

Theory of Place and Architecture - Project 3

1 Credit

Analog and Digital Representation 2 - Project 3

2 Credits

Semester 4

History of Architecture - From the Century XVIII to the Century XXI

4 Credits


2 Credits

Geographic Information Systems

2 Credits

Architecture and Collective Space - Project 4

4 Credits

Theory of Collective Space - Project 4

1 Credit

Technical Standards and Networks - Project 4

2 Credits

Combined Structures - Complex - Project 4

2 Credits

Semester 5

Latin-American and Caribbean Architecture Theory

2 Credits

Costs and Budgets

2 Credits

Territorial Studies

3 Credits

Elective 1

2 Credits

Climate change and risk management in architecture - Project 5

6 Créditos

Environmental Education - Project 5

2 Credits

Semester 6

Territorial Ordering

3 Credits

Scheduling and Construction Management

2 Credits

Communicative Competencies 1

2 Credits

Socio-Political Context

2 Credits

Territorial Transformation - Projects 6

6 Créditos

Theory of Urban Phenomena - Projects 6

2 Credits

Semester 7

Political Constitution

2 Credits

Communicative Competencies 2

2 Credits

Research Seminar

2 Credits

Trends in Contemporary Urbanism

2 Credits

Elective 2

2 Credits

Heritage & Culture - Project 7

6 Créditos

Theory of Contemporary Architecture - Project 7

2 Credits

Semester 8

Social Thought and Charisma

2 Credits

Project Formulation

3 Credits

Urban Law

3 Credits

Elective 3

2 Credits

Formative Social Practice

6 Créditos

Semester 9

Undergraduate Work

6 Créditos

Intermediate Planning Instruments

3 Credits

Corporate Management

2 Credits

Professional Ethics

2 Credits


2 Credits

Elective 4

2 Credits

Semester 10

Architecture Internship

13 Créditos


Luis David Cardona Jiménez

Director de programa


 Estefanía Castillo Cardona

Magíster internacional en BIM management

Alejandro Morales Farfán

Especialista en estructuras

Ana María Giraldo Patiño

Magíster en Teledetección

Ángela María Jiménez Gallego

Magíster en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo

Carolina Rojas Hernández

Magíster en Cambios Globales y Riesgo de Desastres

Carolina Suárez Valencia

Doctora en Urbanismo

César Andrés Rosales Caicedo

Especialista en Gerenciamiento de Proyecto y de Diseño

Cristian Andrés Berrio Osorio

Magíster en Gestión Estratégica de Proyectos De Arquitectura

Daniel Stiven Jurado Jaramillo

Magister en Hábitat

Felipe Chica Vargas

Magíster en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo

Freddy Armando Jiménez

Especialista en Administración

Jeinstom Jensen Gómez

Magíster en Hábitat

Jhoanna Echeverri Londoño

Magíster en Desarrollo Regional y Planificación del Territorio

Jorge Luis Gil Calle

Especialista en derecho urbano

José Robert Sánchez Osorio

Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos del Territorio y Valuación Inmobiliaria.

Juan Camilo Rivera Dosman

Magíster en Historia Crítica de Arte y Arquitectura

Luis Enrique Hernández Gómez

Magíster en Arquitectura Tropical

Mario Enrique Montoya Arias

Especialista en Planeación para la Educación Ambiental

Sebastian Pinto Quintero

Magíster en Arquitectura y Urbanismo

Why this program at UCM?

Our program understands architecture as a discipline of knowing and doing, taking into account the relationship with the context. This is evidenced in the highly qualified training processes carried out by UCM professors, taking into account the experience and knowledge that each one has in the field of architecture. What characterizes the Architecture program is its social sense from the formation. Each project aims to solve social problems taking into account the theories of this discipline and the dialogue with a social context that guarantees sustainable territories. This aspect has been evidenced as a strength by employers and graduates in their professional practice. Our Program participates in academic and research networks that motivate students to undertake mobilities to exchange knowledge in other countries. Likewise, UCM offers its students academic internships in public and private entities of wide trajectory, as well as agreements with other countries that open the possibility of testing your knowledge at an international level in offices in Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Spain, among others.
+ High Quality Accredited Program

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.
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