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home universidad catolica de manizales


Price $6.751.400

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 10 Semesters

Degree: Arquitecto (a)

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 4389

006862 del 27 de abril de 2023 por 4 años

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Level of education: Career - Undergraduate program

Admission: Every Semester

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Factor 1
Mission and Institutional Project

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Factor 2

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Factor 3

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Factor 4
Academic processes

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Factor 5
National and international visibility

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Factor 6
Research, innovation and artistic and cultural creation

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Factor 7
Institutional welfare

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Factor 8
Organization, administration and management

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Factor 9
Impact of graduates

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Factor 10
Physical infrastructure

Factor 1

Mission and institutional project of the program

Training purposes of the program

To train integral and autonomous architects with disciplinary and humanistic training, capable of designing, building and managing living space, understanding and relating to the context in order to act with social, ethical and political commitment.


Participation of students, professors, managers and administrators in the update of the PEP


Roundtables for the strengthening of the University Educational Project (PEU)

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Factor 2


Of the total population of students in the program, in terms of place of origin, 34.5% of the students are from Manizales; 14% are from other municipalities of Caldas, 20% come from Nariño, 6.3% are from Tolima and 6.3% from the Amazon region.


Students enrolled 2016-2020


Student desertion


2020 Graduates

Factor 3




Areas in which the professors of the program have specialized: Metropolitan planning and policies - Environment and development - Project management of territory and real estate valuation - Disaster prevention, attention and reduction - Strategic management of design and project management - Critical history of art and architecture - Renewable energies: architecture and urbanism - The sustainable city - Markets and land policies - Structures - Construction - Habitat - Project management - Urban design - Organization administration.

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Factor 4

Academic Processes



Factor 5

National and International Visibility




Student and faculty mobilities between 2014 and 2020.


Students completed international internships (Mexico, Chile, Ecuador and Spain).


Academic Networks (Program)


Institutional Networks

  • 57 Incoming mobilities through SUMA agreement
  • 13 Outgoing mobilities through SUMA agreement
  • 9 Incoming mobilities through DELFÍN agreement
  • 12 Outgoing mobilities through DELFÍN agreement

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Factor 6

Research, innovation and artistic and cultural creation

LUPA Research Group (Laboratory of Urban Planning, Heritage and Architecture)

Research Seminars:

  • Seminar of Architecture, Design, Ecology - ARQ-D-ECO - Architecture
  • Seminar of Landscape & Space - Architecture
  • Seminar on Sustainable Habitat - Architecture
  • Seminar of Arquibilidad - Architecture + UCM Campus Capacitas
  • Seminar on Memory and Peace Studies - Architecture + UCM Memory and Peace Studies Nucleus
  • Seminar of Architecture, Light and Color - Architecture
  • Seminar on City and Territory - AGER - Architecture
  • Seminar of Ecomateriales - Architecture
  • Seminar on History, Theory and Heritage - HITEPA - Architecture
  • Seminar on Traditional Construction Techniques - Architecture

Factor 7


  • Participation of professors and students in Eucharistic celebrations
  • Representatives of the program's academic community participated in a convivial event
  • Several students received personalized attention in one of the Welfare and Pastoral services.
  • Several students in the program belong to the pastoral group
  • Several students from the program have participated in UCM Spiritual activities.
  • Various services provided by the program's academic community in medical consultations
  • Various attentions of the academic community of the program in nursing services.
  • Several participations of the program's academic community in UCM Saludable
  • Psychological assistance to the program's academic community
  • Participation of the program's academic community in educational workshops
  • Participation of the academic community of the program in UCM Cultural
  • Participation of the program's academic community in UCM Deportiva
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Factor 8

Organization, management and administration

  • Use and exploitation of institutional information systems (SIGA, SAIA, MOODLE, GMAIL, INTRANET, CERTIFICATIONS).
  • Appropriation and contributions to the improvement of the processes of the Integrated Management System and the Institutional Effectiveness Model.
  • Program management supported by the Institutional Quality Assurance System (SAC).

Factor 9


  • 87,02% Employability rate
  • 76,34% Professional Field
  • 51,91% hired in the private sector
  • 29,01% hired in the public sector
  • 14,5% graduates who have received distinction or recognition
  • 77,10% graduates satisfied with their careers
  • 14 graduates from outside the country: United States (8), Spain (4), Argentina (1), Mexico (1)
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Factor 10

Physical and financial resources

  • Feasibility, appropriation and implementation of the improvement plan derived from the self-evaluation process for accreditation renewal.
  • Sufficient physical and financial resources for the development of the program in the modality and level of training.
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