Graduate Profile

Believe in your vocation to transform the world!
As an architect at UCM you will have the skills to work in the public and private sector thanks to the scientific, humanistic and Christian training that will help you solve problems of the discipline and its context through the design, construction and management of living space within the framework of the standards that guide architecture. Additionally, as an architect you will be able to design, build, advise, research, manage and plan sustainable projects with the social, ethical and political commitment required by the profession.
Areas in which you can work:
- Interdisciplinary teams for the formulation, construction, updating and adjustment of instruments such as: land use plans, partial plans, macro-projects in rural, urban and regional scenarios.
- Participation in urban design teams, public space and landscape intervention projects, collective facilities, urban renovations in heritage areas.
- Consulting, advisory, auditing and design of architectural housing projects, urban development, historical and patrimonial structures with architectural importance in the local, regional, national and international context.
- Advisor, construction resident, auditor, coordinator of construction processes of buildings, architectural and urban complexes, technological systems, innovative construction and technical installations of plumbing, electrical and gas systems for buildings.
- Advisor and collaborator in the elaboration of research projects for the strengthening and deepening of architectural theories.
- Official in municipal and departmental public administration agencies such as: planning, public works, valuation, cadastre, environment, among others.
- Advisor and consultant in planning studies, management and control of urban projects.
At the end of the Architecture program, you will have the tools and a broad knowledge of the dynamics and problems of the territories. You will be able to design, build and manage architectural and urban spaces for the development of cities. For this reason, as a student you will begin a process of internships in public or private sector organizations, which you will carry out during an academic period in which you will strengthen all the knowledge and learning you acquired during your studies. In addition, thanks to the agreements that the program has, you will be able to participate in calls for internships in other countries.
In which sectors will you be able to do your internship?
- Planning offices
- Construction companies
- Universities
- Mayors' offices
- Governorships
Social contribution of the program
Thanks to the integral formation and social focus of UCM, the Architecture program prioritizes the social and collaborative development of teachers and students in the active participation of projects such as the Master Plan of Physical Planning of UCM, to which research projects, classroom projects, professional practices and teachers have been linked in roles from design to coordination and formulation of the same. Additionally, research and development projects have been developed and articulated with classroom exercises in vulnerable communities, which allows transmitting to students the importance of service from the exercise of the profession.
These are some of the projects that UCM has supported:
- Participatory design of public space. Community work experience in the Bajo Andes Human Settlement, Manizales.
- Implementation of the Ecoladrillos Pet protocol as a productive scenario to develop pedagogical processes with students from schools in the area of influence in Necoclí, Antioquia, to intervene in their public space.
- Improvement of public spaces through participatory design and construction in the San Sebastián sector.
Arts & Arq Magazine
Arts & Arq magazine is a biannual publication that contains the best works of Architecture students classified by the workshops of each semester. It was born as a joint initiative of the professors of the program and the design unit of UCM.

Revista Arts & Arq / Destacado estrella
07 de octubre de 2024
Revista Arts&Arq # 06
Los proyectos presentados en esta edición de nuestra revista son un ejemplo de cómo los estudiantes de nuestro programa están reflexionando activamente proponiendo soluciones frescas e innovadoras para los problemas que enfrentamos en nuestra actualidad.

Arts & Arq Magazine
12 de octubre de 2022
Arts&Arq Magazine # 05
"Design is a process of purposeful visual creation as opposed to painting and sculpture, which the realization of an artist's visions, design of an artist, design meets practical demands". WONG, Wucius. Fundamentals of Design

Arts & Arq Magazine
16 de noviembre de 2021
Arts&Arq Magazine # 04
This version compiles a span of five semesters, reflecting the evolution and commitment of the reflections of the collective of professors, brought to the classroom in the nine architecture workshops. As usual, plans, models, photos and digital visualizations of the best projects are published, accompanied by texts by students and professors on the discourses that are woven around them.

Arts & Arq Magazine
23 de octubre de 2018
Arts&Arq Magazine # 03
Arts & Arq magazine is a biannual publication that contains the best works of UCM Architecture students, which are classified by the workshops of each semester. This publication is a joint initiative of the teachers of the program and the UCM Branding unit.

Arts & Arq Magazine
11 de noviembre de 2016
Arts&Arq Magazine # 02
See the best ideas, projects and proposals that our UCM Architecture students developed in the various workshops that make up each semester of this undergraduate program, as well as the academic experiences that were exhibited in internal and external events.

Arts & Arq Magazine
26 de septiembre de 2015
Arts&Arq Magazine # 01
Arts&Arq" magazine is born, a new editorial project of the Architecture program. Get to know the impact projects in reality contexts of our students.