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home universidad catolica de manizales


Price $8.953.700

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 10 Semesters

Degree: Bacteriólogo(a)

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 2016

022243 del 23 de noviembre del 2023 por 6 años

Faculty of Health Sciences

Level of education: Career - Undergraduate program

Admission: Every Semester

¡Con bacteriología descubre en la profundidad de lo que parece ser invisible, la esencia de los mundos que interactúan con nosotros!

El programa de Bacteriología de la UCM te da la oportunidad de estudiar, interpretar, analizar, determinar y correlacionar los microorganismos. Junto con las células, fluidos biológicos, analitos y sus relaciones con el ser humano, los vegetales y el medio ambiente. Para contribuir con el diagnóstico, pronóstico, vigilancia, control, promoción de la salud y prevención de enfermedades.

Additionally, it gives you the opportunity to project your work by researching, managing and promoting public health in disease prevention. At the same time, you will be able to learn the procedures to perform clinical, toxicological, forensic and blood bank laboratory diagnostics.

Es una ciencia que te permite conocer el mundo al detalle, genera conocimiento, actúa en muchos ámbitos científicos y empresariales de cara al futuro.



Basic sciences

Semester 1


3 Credits


3 Credits


2 Credits


4 Credits

Logical Mathematical Thinking

3 Credits

Communication Skills I

2 Credits

Sports or Artistic

1 Credit

Semester 2


3 Credits


3 Credits


2 Credits

General Microbiology

2 Credits

Chemistry Applied to the Laboratory

2 Credits

Public Health

2 Credits


1 Credit

Communication Skills II

2 Credits

Environmental Education

1 Credit

Semester 3


5 Créditos


5 Créditos


2 Credits


2 Credits

Social Thought and Charisma

2 Credits

Ethics and Corporate Values

2 Credits

Semester 4

Molecular Biology

4 Credits

Research Seminar

2 Credits


2 Credits


3 Credits


3 Credits

Health Administration

2 Credits

Political Constitution

2 Credits

Semester 5

Clinical Biochemistry

11 Créditos

Community Health

5 Créditos


2 Credits

Semester 6


10 Créditos

Animal Diagnostics

3 Credits

Plant Diagnostics

3 Credits

Humanistic Option

2 Credits

Semester 7

Quality Control in Industrial Processes

9 Créditos


4 Credits

Forensic Diagnostics

3 Credits


2 Credits

Semester 8

Application of the Laboratory in Human Clinic

10 Créditos

Laboratory Application in Forensic Biology (Emphasis)

4 Credits

Application of the Laboratory in Plant Diagnosis (Emphasis)

4 Credits

Laboratory Application in Veterinary Medicine (Emphasis)

4 Credits

Laboratory Application in Food Industry

4 Credits

Semester 9

Training Practice in Human Clinic

18 Créditos

Semester 10

Corporate Training Practice

18 Créditos


Laura Karina Quintero Vargas

Director de programa


Aleyda Arango Ávila

Especialista en Administración de la Salud.

Ana Elisa Rojas Rodríguez

Magíster en Ciencias Biomédicas con Énfasis en Microbiología.

Beatriz Elena Padilla Hurtado

Doctora en Ciencias Agrarias

Bibiana María Toro Osorio

Magíster en Salud Pública

Claudia Nohemy Montoya Estrada

Doctora en Fitopatología

Eliana Mendoza Mendoza

Magíster en Microbiología Agroindustrial

Gloria María Restrepo Franco

Doctora en Ciencias Agrarias.

Javier Guillermo Mantilla Afanador

Doctor en Entomología

Margarita María Arias Giraldo

Especialista en Laboratorio Clínico de Hematología y Banco de Sangre.

María del Socorro Jaramillo Arredondo

Especialista en Laboratorio de Hematología y Banco de Sangre.

Martha Cecilia Márquez Franco

Especialista en Laboratorio Clínico de Hematología y Banco de Sangre.

Nidia Marcela Zuluaga Londoño

Magíster en Pedagogía

Olga Lucia Tovar Aguirre

Doctora en Microbiología.

Paula Andrea Botero Álvarez

Especialista en Gerencia de la Calidad

Ricardo Castaño Osorio

Magíster en Administración de Salud.

Yeyson Fredy Grajales Ospina

Licenciado en Biología y Química

Why this program at UCM?

Our program is designed to train our students integrally. Its purpose is to contribute to the provision of quality services to generate personal, family, community and environmental well-being. The training processes aim to develop new alternatives to promote health, prevent diseases and accompany the management of public health. What characterizes the Bacteriology program is its training, its human and professional quality as well as its contribution to the context in the scientific, academic and social fields. It has a consolidated and well-organized structure, made up of bodies committed to excellence and academic quality, with clear and defined processes, well positioned, with a wide and recognized trajectory at regional and national level. Additionally, our program contributes to the integral formation of its students by responding to the University's educational criteria and values, which seek to strengthen their personal and social identity, their individual, collective and historical conscience. Furthermore, its objective is to provide the conditions to build an open, critical and reflective worldview on human beings, society and knowledge, and to understand the profession as a life option and as a service to society.
+ High Quality Accredited Program

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.
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