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Price $8.953.700

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 10 Semesters

Degree: Bacteriólogo(a)

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 2016

022243 del 23 de noviembre del 2023 por 6 años

Faculty of Health Sciences

Level of education: Career - Undergraduate program

Admission: Every Semester

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Factor 1
Mission and Institutional Project

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Factor 2

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Factor 3

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Factor 4
Academic processes

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Factor 5
National and international visibility

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Factor 6
Research, innovation and artistic and cultural creation

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Factor 7
Institutional welfare

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Factor 8
Organization, administration and management

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Factor 9
Impact of graduates

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Factor 10
Physical infrastructure

Factor 1

Mission and institutional project of the program

Based on the relevance and feasibility study, the following differentiating attributes of the program were found: unique in the city and the region, high employability rate (80.80%), high quality accreditation for 12 continuous years.


Participation of students, professors, managers and administrators in the update of the PEP


Roundtables for the strengthening of the University Educational Project (PEU)

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Factor 2


Of the total population of students in the program, in terms of place of origin, 34.5% of the students are from Manizales; 14% are from other municipalities of Caldas, 20% come from Nariño, 6.3% are from Tolima and 6.3% from the Amazon region.


Estudiantes matriculados 2018-2023


Student desertion


Admitidos en 2023-I

National and international mobilities:


Outgoing National Mobility


Incoming National Mobility


Outgoing International Mobility


Incoming International Mobility

Beneficiados por Becas 2019-2023:


TOP Scholarships


Compensatory scholarships


Scholarships for academic monitors


Generation E Scholarships


Best average scholarships

Recognitions & Distinctions: 10 (Honorable Mention, Laureate and meritorious graduate work, best poster and best paper in seedbed meetings) 

Factor 3




The total number of teachers in the professional area (6 support teachers in the area of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and 9 support teachers in the area of Christian Human Formation). 

In the last five years, the program's professors have participated in the following governing bodies: Program Academic Committee, Self-evaluation and Accreditation Committee, Faculty Council and Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (COPASST), Academic Council and Superior Council.

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(in formation of Master's Degree)




(1 additional
in formation)




Profesores visitantes (2023-I)
(4 nacionales – 5 Internacionales)












  • 12 profesores tienen dedicación Tiempo completo, 5 medio tiempo y 2 cátedra
  • 13 profesores tienen vinculación indefinida mientras que 6 son a término fijo
  • 6 professors of the program have participated in management and governance bodies.
  • During the term of accreditation 25 professors have received incentives, distinctions and remuneration for academic production.
  •  5 Professors have received support for postgraduate training
  • 16 professors have received support for extension and continuing education training
  • 14 Professors have received incentives for intellectual production
  • 9 professors have received awards for outstanding work and presentations in research and time spent at the institution.
  • 23 professors have developed and published teaching support material in the context of the academic components.  
  • 4.6 is the average evaluation of the faculty (self-evaluation, co-evaluation and heteroevaluation).

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Factor 4

Academic Processes


Academic components of the current curriculum

  • Basic Sciences Area, is comprised by 7 academic components that
    constitute the common training support for other disciplines, all of which must be taken.
  •  Professional Area, it constitutes the common support for the formation of the Bacteriologist and is composed by 29 academic components of the disciplinary area.
  • Socio-humanistic area, it is made up of 11 academic components that guide aspects of the human-Christian foundation in coherence with the institutional philosophy. The academic components are oriented by professors of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Theology.

Roadmap for curriculum renewal

1September 2021Analysis of trends in the profession and comparison studies in the field of knowledge.
2October - November 2021Consolidation of the program's formative intentions
3February 2022Validation of training intentions in a focus group with graduates and employers.
4February 2022Feasibility and market analysis of the program to define differentiating attributes
5March - Junio 2022Consolidation of the quality conditions of the Program. Decree 1330 of 2019, UCM Academic Policies.
6July 2022Construction of feasibility and financial projection studies.
7August 2022Socialization of the study plan with the Curriculum Commission.
8September 2022Approval of the curricular design and the organization of academic activities by the Academic Council.
9October 2022Review and monitoring by an external peer reviewer
10November - December 2022Filing of the curricular modification of the program
11From semester I - 2023Implementation of the new curriculum

Did you know that...

Did you know that the Bacteriology program currently counts with 180 credits and in its curricular renewal it will become 163.
In addition, the entry and graduation profiles were developed and the Human Clinic and Agroindustry areas were strengthened in its curricular structure.
Forensic Biology, Animal Diagnostics and Phytopathology are maintained.
Incorporated: Bioinformatics, Business Management, Agri-Food Quality Assurance.

Did you know That the elements that were incorporated in the curriculum renewal proposal were approached from:

  • Graduate follow-up
  • Employer follow-up
  • Conversation tables
  • Trend analysis of the profession

Factor 5

National and International Visibility


International agreements



Semester 9

Teaching and service agreement

Semester 10

Teaching and service agreement

  • 51 guests during the accreditation period, of which 68.6% were nationals, 68.6% were from the United States, and 21.56% came from Mexico, 1.96% from the United States, 1.96% from Brazil, 1.96% from Uruguay, 1.96% from Chile and 1.96% from Venezuela.
  • Benchmarking with 20 Universities of recognized prestige to advance in the curricular reflections.
  • 37 academic cooperation activities during the accreditation period.
  • 65 visiting professors to the program during the accreditation period.

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Factor 6

Research, innovation and artistic and cultural creation

Networking, last five years:

  • 168 students attended the academic component of the research seminar.
  • 65 students participated in research workshops
  • 46 students opted to become research assistants in order to obtain the degree of Bacteriologists, of whom the 65,62% belong to the research group GIMIBAG and the 34,37% to the Semilleros belonging to the GINEI research group.
  • 23 presentations at the local, departmental, regional, national and international levels.
  • 2 research groups GINEI and GIMIBAG Categorized in Minciencias en A
  • 17 program professors with research assignments
  • 75 articles published during the term of accreditation
  • 3 patents
  • 1 software
  • 1 policy
  • 2 books
  • 3 book chapters

Factor 7


  • 526 participation of professors and students in eucharistic celebrations
  • 317 representatives of the program's academic community participated in convivencias
  • 139 students received personalized attention in one of the Welfare and Pastoral services.
  • 15 students of the program belong to the pastoral group
  • 107 program students have participated in UCM Spiritual activities.
  • 566 medical consultation services for the academic community of the program
  • 465 services provided by the program's academic community in nursing services.
  • 1254 participation of the program's academic community in Healthy UCM
  • 263 psychological care for the program's academic community
  • 651 participation of the program's academic community in formative workshops
  • 762 participation of the academic community of the program in UCM Cultural
  • 1256 participation of the program's academic community in UCM Deportiva
  • Program cohort attrition 20% (80% retention) - 0.02% attrition rate previous period (2021-II)
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Factor 8

Organization, management and administration

  • Use and exploitation of institutional information systems (SIGA, SAIA, MOODLE, GMAIL, INTRANET, CERTIFICATIONS).
  • Appropriation and contributions to the improvement of the processes of the Integrated Management System and the Institutional Effectiveness Model.
  • Program management supported by the Institutional Quality Assurance System (SAC).

Factor 9


  • 360° an Integrating Vision" graduate survey: participation of 770 graduates.
  • The 83.64% were working and stated that their functions were directly related to their area of professional training. The 63,66% worked in private sector companies. The 63,21% said that he was performing professional duties at his job and that the 35,85% held managerial positions (Coordinators, Directors or Heads of units). The 70.71% said he has more than five years of experience.
  • The salary reported in the 49.38% of them,
  • ranged between 1-3 S.M.L.V., the 39,75% between 3-6 S.M.M.L.V and the 6,68% between 6-10 S.M.M.L.V.
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Total program graduates






Master's Degree



  • The 83.64% of the graduates were working, and regarding the competencies acquired at UCM, it was identified that the 85,6% of graduates rated these competencies at a very high level of satisfaction. The 18% of the graduates stated that they had created a company and the 66.9% of these were active at the time of answering the follow-up survey. Also, the 6% of the graduates stated that they belonged to an association.

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Factor 10

Physical and financial resources

  • Feasibility, appropriation and implementation of the improvement plan derived from the self-evaluation process for accreditation renewal.
  • Sufficient physical and financial resources for the development of the program in the modality and level of training.

Laboratory equipment


Laboratories dedicated to teaching


Dedicated to research development






Inverted microscope


Fluorescence microscopes

  • Acquired 7 new microscopes for the area of Hematology and 3 Multiteacher: 1 for the Immunohematology laboratory, 1 for General Microbiology and 1 for Clinical Microbiology.
  • During the accreditation period, the following were acquired 14 Polycom Studio cameras and 10 Logitech Brio Ultra HD Pro cameras with tripod.