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Diploma in Training of Trainers for the Chair of Peace

Price $1.425.000

Mode: Virtual

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Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Theology

Level of education: Courses, diplomas and others

Target audience:
Citizens, leaders, youth, women, political actors and citizens, students and educators from schools and universities who are interested in the generation of actions that allow building a process of permanent formation of peace, reconciliation and coexistence in society.


Hourly intensity:
120 hours


We intend to form subjects with a constant self-reflective attitude where cultural, social and political differences are understood as such, and not from a violent and conflictive perspective. For the construction of a better country where everyone has a place in peace and coexistence.


To generate significant reflections and learning based on self-recognition and the use of tools that provide the participant with an understanding of the contextual and relational dynamics between Education, Conflict, Reconciliation, Coexistence and Peace Building as educational agents that constitute it, in search of contributing to the general welfare and improvement of the quality of life of the population in their context.

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Module 1

Training for Peace

Module 2

Social Mapping

Module 3

The Affective

Module 4

The Communicative

Module 5

The Ethical-Moral

Module 6



Mauricio Orozco Vallejo

Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Humano.

Why this program at UCM?

Estudiar un Diplomado en Formación de Formadores para la Cátedra de Paz es una oportunidad invaluable para aquellos apasionados por la educación y la promoción de la paz. Este diplomado te equipará con herramientas pedagógicas avanzadas y estrategias innovadoras para enseñar y fomentar una cultura de paz en diversas comunidades y entornos educativos. Al finalizar, serás capaz de diseñar e implementar programas educativos centrados en la resolución de conflictos, la justicia social y el diálogo intercultural. Además, la creciente demanda de educadores especializados en paz y convivencia hace que este diplomado sea una excelente inversión para tu carrera profesional, abriendo puertas en organizaciones no gubernamentales, instituciones educativas y organismos internacionales. ¡Inscríbete en nuestro Diplomado en Formación de Formadores para la Cátedra de Paz y conviértete en un agente de cambio positivo en la sociedad!

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.