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Diploma in Integral Management - HSEQ Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety, Risk Management and Audits

Price $1.769.000

Mode: Virtual

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Faculty of Business Administration

Level of education: Courses, diplomas and others

Target audience:

Employees, professionals and entrepreneurs, interested in knowing the advantages and benefits of Integrated Management Systems; to improve the performance of organizations in complex environments.

Hourly intensity:

120 hours



Integrated management systems have become a useful tool for organizations, allowing them to design and organize their processes, so that their performance is at the forefront of excellence models, this is achieved if the organization adopts among its practices; strategic, tactical and operational plans based on quality standards, environment, safety and health at work and risk management, which can be managed effectively with the international standards of the rules issued by the ISO organization. The effective management of a system is achieved when the organization is aware of the conditions of the environment, and takes advantage of them with a sense of leadership; in the planning, execution, monitoring and improvement of its processes to achieve its objectives and results in the short, medium and long term.


To know the concepts and tools for the design, implementation, implementation, maintenance and improvement of integrated HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment and Quality) management systems.

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Module 1

Quality Management ISO9001:2015

Module 2

Environmental Management ISO14001:2015

Module 3

Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO: 45001:2018

Module 4

Integrated Management - Integrated Risk Management ISO 31000:2018

Module 5

Integral Internal Audits Module


Natalia Zuluaga

Magíster en Gestión de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, Excelencia, Medio Ambiente y Responsabilidad Corporativa

Why this program at UCM?

Estudiar un diplomado en Gestión Integral – HSEQ Calidad, Ambiental, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, Gestión del Riesgo y Auditorías es crucial para profesionales comprometidos con la excelencia y la sostenibilidad en sus organizaciones. Este programa ofrece una formación especializada en normativas internacionales y mejores prácticas en gestión de calidad, medio ambiente, seguridad laboral y prevención de riesgos. Los participantes adquirirán habilidades avanzadas en la implementación de sistemas integrados que aseguren el cumplimiento normativo y mejoren el desempeño operativo. Con un enfoque práctico y orientado a resultados, el diplomado prepara a los líderes para conducir auditorías efectivas, mitigar riesgos empresariales y promover ambientes laborales seguros y saludables. ¡Invierte en tu desarrollo profesional y conviértete en un agente de cambio positivo con nuestro diplomado en Gestión Integral – HSEQ!

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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