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Diplomado Gestión aulas multigrado en las escuelas rurales

Price $1.540.000

Mode: Virtual

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Faculty of Education

Level of education: Courses, diplomas and others

Target audience:
Teachers, teaching managers and ethno-educators in service in any modality: career appointment, provisional, temporary, commissioned, commissioned or probationary, working in official educational establishments located in municipalities classified as rural and dispersed rural by the Rural Mission of the National Planning Department (DNP), in rural areas of intermediate municipalities, cities and agglomerations of the country, or in municipalities in which Development Programs with a Territorial Approach -PDET- are being developed.


Hourly intensity:
144 hours

Total credits:
3 credits.


The call is intended to finance 100% of the tuition fee, through the granting of credits forgivable with the ICETEX.

The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.


It is a successive and continuous training program aimed at teachers of the rural sector and ethno-educators, who have in their rural contexts the multi-grade; an educational option to work in the same classroom space simultaneously in face-to-face or virtual mode with children, adolescents or young people of different academic grades, which add opportunities to achieve academic success in the student and school success for the institution.

The multigrade classroom is a construction that emulates different social scenarios in which people find themselves in the midst of diversity and this makes them dynamic, makers of paths, seekers of horizons and builders of citizenship. All social scenarios are multistage; so is the means of transportation, the street, commerce, the legal sphere, the home itself; so the classroom should resemble the daily realities of living spaces and a similarity is in the multistage classroom.

Multigraduality is inherent to the vital transits of humanity in the contexts of the classroom world and the school, which has been turning its back on these realities in which the dimensions intersect and make possible the emergence of new conditions that cannot be explained from the dimensions assumed independently, must be made to resemble them. Independence cannot exist in classroom environments; it must be replaced by complex dynamics that denote interdependencies and interdefinability.

NOTE: This diploma course is offered within the framework of the Fund "Continuous training for in-service educators of official educational institutions" Contract 1400 of 2016 (MEN - ICETEX).

Possibility of homologation at UCM

Specialization Program in Educational Management:

The 3 academic credits granted by the diploma course for the two electives in I and II semester Elective I and Elective II are homologated.

Master's Program in Education:

The 3 academic credits granted by the diploma course are homologated for an elective component.

Training objectives

  • Generate understandings about the rationale, meaning and formative purposes of multigrade classrooms for rural schools.
  • Generate understanding in the prioritization and monitoring of learning established for the work of multigrade classrooms in rural schools.
  • To promote the construction of disciplinary and interdisciplinary didactic strategies for teaching and learning processes oriented to multigrade classrooms in rural schools.
  • To provide tools for the development of multigrade classrooms in face-to-face, blended and distance modalities required by rural schools.
  • To provide tools for planning, execution and follow-up on the implementation of pedagogical projects for multigrade classrooms in rural schools.

 Learning outcomes: 

  • Creates pedagogical moments for effective learning in face-to-face, virtual and autonomous work.
  • Uses the mediations offered by ICT to generate new languages in multistage.
  • Participates in sustained social cartographic constructions that enable the participation of various social actors in the education of children, adolescents and young people with educational vulnerability.
  • Builds enabling strategies for effective student learning.
  • It intersects different dimensions of human development in children, adolescents and young people in their singularities.
  • Systemically intervenes in the different levels and edges of classroom situations.
  • It interprets the rural territory as a social construction beyond the agrarian and beyond human development around health as an emergence of the encounter of the cognitive, the emotional, the spiritual and the social.
  • Weaves the rural territory from the school classroom, through social, cultural, economic, political, administrative and prospective relations.
  • It grounds the rural school through historical, philosophical, geographical and territorial understandings.
  • Founds in context/environment interactions the deployments of specialized didactics for the multigrade classroom.
  • Dynamizes the dialogue of knowledge in rural classroom environments for social co-participation in the Science, Rural Classroom and Society Networking Project.
  • Designs pedagogical strategies articulating the triad Institutional Educational Project, PEI, Community Educational Project PEC and the Institutional Evaluation System SIE.
  • It uses a toolbox contextualized in the fabric through flexible and relevant curricular strategies conducive to the transformation of children, adolescents and young people in the multigrade classroom.

All the country's teaching managers are invited to consult the conditions of participation through the following links:

ICETEX web page:

Podemos adaptarnos a sus necesidades particulares y crear una oferta exclusiva para su empresa.

¡Reunámonos y construyamos juntos su plan de formación! 

Descuentos para graduados 

Aprovecha el 10% de descuento en toda nuestra oferta académica y complementa tu formación para destacar en el mercado laboral. Solo debes presentar tu carné de graduado UCM.

Do you want to know more about this diploma?

Academic Services and Continuing Education Unit
(6)8933050 Ext. 3701 – 3702
Hours of operation: Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.

Icetex UCM Coordination
Whatsapp ICETEX UCM 3148377061
Hours of operation: Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.



Module 1

Understanding of rural realities and contexts

Module 2

Flexible educational models and rural education in Colombia

Module 3

Pedagogical approaches to multigrade classrooms

Module 4

Internationalization of MEFs

Module 5

Curricular diversification and relevance

Module 6

Systematization of the pedagogical project


Martha Isabel Gutiérrez Ospina

Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Humano

Why this program at UCM?

Este programa especializado no solo te prepara para mejorar la calidad educativa en entornos rurales, sino que también te capacita para implementar estrategias pedagógicas innovadoras y adaptativas. Con un enfoque práctico y colaborativo, adquirirás habilidades esenciales para gestionar eficazmente aulas con estudiantes de diferentes niveles educativos. 

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.