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Doctorate in Education

Price $17.488.300

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 3 años

Degree: Doctor en Educación

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 104725

014400 del 22 de julio de 2022, Vigencia: 7 años

Faculty of Education

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester

The Doctorate in Education at UCM aims to train you as a high-level researcher and producer of knowledge in the area of education, providing alternatives and proactive responses to the demands of quality and educational innovation required by the region and the country.

Aware of this need, the PhD seeks to deepen the debate on educational discourses, theories and practices from a sociocultural dimension, with a view to exploring the complexity of expectations, human development needs and diverse and multicultural educational environments, crossed by changing dynamics resulting from globalization, the impact of information and communication technologies and community contexts.


Durante el I, II y III Semestre, son tres encuentros presenciales: de jueves a sábado.

Los últimos tres semestres son dos encuentros presenciales: de jueves a sábado.



Cycle 1

Doctoral Seminar

3 Credits

Thematic Seminar

4 Credits

Research Seminar I

5 Créditos

Cycle 2

Thematic Seminar

4 Credits

Elective Seminar

3 Credits

Research Seminar II

5 Créditos

Candidacy Examination

Candidacy Examination

2 Credits

Cycle 3

Thesis I

10 Créditos

Doctoral Colloquium

3 Credits

Elective Seminar

3 Credits

Cycle 4

Thesis II

10 Créditos

Doctoral Colloquium

3 Credits

National or international internship

National or international internship

3 Credits

Cycle 5

Thesis III

10 Créditos

Doctoral Colloquium

3 Credits

Cycle 6

Thesis IV

10 Créditos

Doctoral Colloquium

3 Credits

Doctoral thesis defense

Doctoral thesis defense

5 Créditos


Lina Rosa Parra Bernal

Director de programa

Doctora en Educación.

Cruz Mary Prado Rojas

Doctora en Educación

Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez

Doctor en Ciencia Política

Gloria Clemencia Valencia

Doctora en Educación.

Jorge Alberto Forero Santos

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación con énfasis en Pensamiento Educativo y Comunicación

Juan Crisóstomo Izaguirre Ruíz

Doctor en Educación

Juan Manuel Torres Serrano

Doctor en Teología

Leonel De Gunther Delgado

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales

Olga Lucia Fernandez Arbeláez

Doctora en Educación.

Olga Patricia Bonilla Marquínez

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación

Samuel Patiño Agudelo

Doctor en Políticas Educativas.

Why this program at UCM?

The PhD in Education at UCM trains high-level researchers with a solid theoretical and conceptual foundation in the field of education and its relationship with society and culture, which will allow you through theoretical and applied research to provide alternatives around human formation from the attributes of teachability, educability and relations with the educable subject; to draw cartographies around democratic structures, coexistence and the political subject; and to explore the socio-cultural dynamics with comprehensive views where the various levels of reality converge. For this reason, the PhD offers three lines of research: Education, Pedagogy and Curriculum; Education and Democracy; and Education, Interaction and Subjectivity, which will allow you to acquire mastery of research methods and paths, through the combination of knowledge and research development skills. The program contributes to the formation of researchers capable of promoting dynamics of educational innovation through academic and research development. Researchers enabled by capabilities for educational innovation, integrated management of education, curriculum management, as well as the incorporation of technological tools in educational processes.

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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