The Doctorate in Education at UCM aims to train you as a high-level researcher and producer of knowledge in the area of education, providing alternatives and proactive responses to the demands of quality and educational innovation required by the region and the country.
Aware of this need, the PhD seeks to deepen the debate on educational discourses, theories and practices from a sociocultural dimension, with a view to exploring the complexity of expectations, human development needs and diverse and multicultural educational environments, crossed by changing dynamics resulting from globalization, the impact of information and communication technologies and community contexts.
The Doctorate in Education emphasizes the research of new sociocultural phenomena in correlation with education from an open, critical and complex perspective of reality. Its purpose is the epistemological, ontological and ethical reflection that visualizes the formation of human beings as subjects of their own development.
Its personalizing and liberating approach, the philosophical foundations of the university's educational project, allows it to analyze education with interdisciplinary perspectives based on the transforming mission of individuals, social groups and communities.
For this reason, in the PhD, you will aim to investigate and contrast how culture, identity, technology, politics, among others, affect the particular needs of the regions; in turn, how interculturality favors unity, plurality and equal rights in education; and what are the tensions that occur between pedagogical theories and local realities.
Durante el I, II y III Semestre, son tres encuentros presenciales: de jueves a sábado.
Los últimos tres semestres son dos encuentros presenciales: de jueves a sábado.