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Specialization in Health Administration

Price $4.187.300

Offered in: Cali, Cúcuta, Manizales, Medellín, Pasto, Popayán

Duration 3 semestres

Degree: Especialista en Administración de la salud

Mode: Distance

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SNIES: 52098

015032 del 18 de diciembre de 2019 por 7 años

Faculty of Health Sciences

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester

Graduate Profile

As a graduate of the Specialization in Health Administration, you will have an ethical, humanistic and interdisciplinary conception of health administration, thus, you will be able to understand the environment, social dynamics and transformations in institutions. In addition, you will be able to identify health needs, manage programs and intervention strategies oriented to the financial search of organizations and create programs and services in the sector with social responsibility.

Areas in which you can work:

  1. Administrative positions in surveillance and control entities such as local or regional health directorates and health secretariats.
  2. Direction and management of organizations, entities or institutions of the health sector.
  3. Leader, chief or coordinator of services or functional units in any health sector institution.
  4. Auditor, analyst or service quality manager.
  5. Positions in financial areas, human talent or head of internal control.

Social contribution of the program

Thanks to UCM's comprehensive training and social approach, the Specialization in Health Administration has transformed and qualified the administrative processes of the sector. The program has delivered competent specialists to manage health services according to the needs of the environment, generating an impact on the provision of services in different regions of the country, framed in:

  1. A high percentage of students come from geographic areas of the country with socioeconomic, political and cultural difficulties: Arauca, Caquetá, Cauca, Nariño, Huila, Amazonas and Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca).
  2. Some students come from the country's progress corridors such as the Coffee Triangle and Valle, which makes the University visible in geographic areas that contribute to the solution of the population's needs.
  3. The program offers scholarships to health institutions with which there is a teaching and service agreement, as a strategy to contribute to increase the intellectual capital in the institutions of the sector.
  4. The students' training processes give rise to business initiatives, projects and intervention alternatives that contribute to the strengthening of the health sector.
  5. Impact of graduate performance: The competencies developed by the program are related to those promoted by PAHO/WHO for the improvement of institutional capacities of health systems.
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