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Specialization in Branding and Strategic Communication

Price $3.082.250 por trimestre

Duration 4 trimestres (2 semestres)

Degree: Especialista en Branding y Comunicación Estratégica

Mode: Virtual

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SNIES: 104915

003433 del 28 de febrero de 2023 por 7 años

Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Theology

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester

Graduate Profile

As a graduate of the Specialization in Branding and Strategic Communication you will be able to respond to the needs of competitiveness, positioning and permanence of the brand taking into account the philosophy of the company, the particularities of the culture and market trends. The Specialization provides you with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary training that will develop your creative advertising, innovative and investigative thinking that will allow you to provide effective communication for the construction and management of commercial and institutional brands with corporate social responsibility.

Areas in which you can work:

  1. Branding Manager: Manager with business vision and knowledge of the environment, leadership in administrative, creative and strategic processes.
  2. Strategic brand analyst: ability to generate and create strategies around the brand and its trends in the media.
  3. Brand Manager of media agencies and advertisers: ability to relate effectively with others, generating effective and efficient negotiations, media buying, audience knowledge and quantitative and qualitative analysis.
  4. Digital Planner: Ability to focus all your knowledge through social networks, analysis, evaluation and integration of new digital trends.
  5. CEO: Manage the transformations that are advancing in the companies and the new trends that are generated, responsible for the management and administrative direction.
  6. Advertising agency planner: Research, analyze, innovate, develop and lead processes for companies and brands.
  7. Brand creative: Conceptualize, create and develop communication strategies around the brand.
  8. Consultant for brand consulting agencies: Advisor in brand creation, management, conceptualization, development and construction.
  9. Freelance: Manage and lead processes around the brand and its conceptual, strategic and graphic development.

Social contribution of the program

The Specialization in Branding and Strategic Communication with the support of the Direction of Social Projection and the research processes developed in the groups and lines articulated to this contribute to the development and application of communication and branding strategies in function of the productive development of the companies, seeking to provide creative solutions that allow the interpretation, adaptation and transformation of cultural codes to the construction of brands with local and global vision, that integrate information and communication technologies in harmony with the environment, aligned to the identity, nature and mission of the organizations.

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