Graduate Profile

As a graduate of the Specialization in Cybersecurity you will have the ability to propose Cybersecurity projects that allow you to manage information to mitigate the risks arising from cyber-attacks in organizations, through methodologies, techniques, tactics, processes, standards and tools. In addition, according to UCM's mission, you will have a comprehensive training based on the philosophy, principles and values of the University.
As a UCM specialist you will be able to understand the different types of cyber-attacks, analyze the risk, the different forms of defense and, in this way, design information security plans and security management systems.
Performance areas:
- Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
- Corporate Security Officer (CSO)
- Chief Information Technology Officer (CIO)
- Information Security Officer
- Cybersecurity Specialist
- Blue/Red/Purple TEAM Group Coordinator
- Security Operations Center (SOC) Operator.
- Vulnerability analyst in operating systems, applications, networks and mobile devices.
- Cyber defense, ethical hacking and pentesting
- Perform forensic analysis on different operating systems on both fixed and mobile devices and apply the main security auditing standards.
- Assurance of Web, Mobile and traditional applications.
Social contribution of the program
The Specialization in Cybersecurity will generate proposals and projects aimed at meeting the business needs related to Cybersecurity, through techniques and methodologies to mitigate risks on cyber threats and the proper treatment of physical and digital information that lead to public tranquility around the data they generate and manage.
In addition, it will enter into inter-institutional agreements and alliances with entities from the productive, academic and governmental sectors such as Fortinet, GO ON Corporation and THD Security Group SAS (The Hacking Day - Project), with the purpose of developing projects that generate significant impact at local, regional, national and international levels.
The Specialization will offer the community continuing education programs through conferences, workshops, courses, seminars, and other academic events, through the qualification of human talent in techniques, tactics and methodologies in Cybersecurity that allow the projection and updating of knowledge to the environment.
This is aimed at fostering a culture of cybersecurity, where government entities, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens know and identify the risks to which they are exposed in the digital environment and learn how to protect themselves, prevent and react to cyber-attacks.