home universidad catolica de manizales

Especialización en Enfermería en Cuidado Crítico del Adulto

Price $8.837.000

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 2 semestres

Degree: Especialista en Enfermería en Cuidado Crítico del Adulto

Mode: On-site

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016637 del 25 de septiembre de 2024 por 7 años

Faculty of Health Sciences

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester

Laboratorio de Simulación Clínica

Podrás realizar prácticas de los componentes teóricos en áreas simuladas que se acercan a los escenarios clínicos reales previos a los encuentros con los pacientes de forma personal.

Library “Hna. Josefina Núñez Gómez”

The "Hna. Josefina Núñez Gómez" Library of the Universidad Católica de Manizales seeks to support the university community with information and knowledge resources, therefore, its services respond to the needs of students, graduates, professors, researchers and institutional support staff, to contribute to the best performance of their student or professional activity.

La biblioteca es un centro de recursos de aprendizaje y es una unidad de apoyo a los programas académicos de la UCM, que pertenece a la Vicerrectoría académica.

Bases de datos:

Podrás acceder a bases de datos virtuales tales como: NNN Consult, Enfermería al Día, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, Salud Leyex, Hinari, Scopus, E-Libro, EBSCO, entre otras.

Tutoring Room and Independent Work

Espacio acondicionado con equipos tecnológicos de última generación con su respectivo software licenciado.

Salas de sistemas:

Con equipos de última tecnología y acceso a internet permanente.

Tutorial centers

We seek comfort and safety for students in terms of physical infrastructure, connectivity and ample space for their academic process.


The importance of offering healthy recreational activities for the community in general and, especially, for our students, has made the investment in a space with diverse possibilities for sports practice a wise decision within the range of services offered, among them, 2 indoor soccer fields, 2 squash courts, 4 tables for the practice of table tennis and other board games (chess, parquets, Chinese checkers).

The meetings, tournaments and sports practices that are concentrated on campus, give a different image to UCM and a dynamic in the social, health and healthy coexistence, having a fundamental role within the purposes of training.

University welfare

University Welfare at the Catholic University of Manizales is conceived as a network of relationships that articulate the multidimensionality of the human being around three major cross-cutting axes of the life of the institution: integral formation, great horizon of UCM's mission; the construction of university community and the improvement of the quality of life, all this in the context of the institutional philosophy that makes the person the center of all educational and formative processes, such as: UCM Spiritual, UCM Healthy, UCM Human, UCM Cultural, UCM Sports.

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