The UCM Specialization in Quality Management is a response to the needs of organizations to develop a strategic approach that allows them to have competitive advantages to access new markets with products and services that are at the forefront of the needs of customers and stakeholders.
Aware of this need, UCM proposes this Specialization for you to focus your interest in leading management systems in organizations, with an integral vision of quality, environment, risk management and occupational health and safety. To achieve this objective, in our Specialization you will deepen in topics such as: strategic thinking with customer focus, leadership, staff participation, process management, relationship management, evidence-based decision making, effective risk management, opportunities and continuous improvement.
The Specialization in Quality Management offers a comprehensive training focused on the development of competencies for strategic direction, resource management and evaluation of processes, products and services with high quality standards.
To achieve this objective in the Specialization, you will be updated in the management models that emerge from the new quality paradigms that guide organizations towards a culture of continuous improvement, social responsibility, knowledge management, innovation, competitiveness and sustainability. In addition, you will enhance managerial skills and abilities for the direction and management of quality systems as a response to the global challenges of the market.
Additionally, you will be able to design and implement integrated management systems consistent with the organization's mission, vision, policies, business plan and strategic platform. Likewise, you will identify the needs of the environment to rationalize resources and promote a culture of excellence, with values and ethical principles to improve the corporate image.
Encuentro presencial 1 vez al mes | Viernes de 5:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. | Sábado de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. | Encuentros sincrónicos semanales virtuales los miércoles de 6:00 p.m. a 9.00 p.m.