Graduate Profile

As a graduate of the Specialization in Quality Management you will be able to design, implement, maintain and improve quality management systems, with managerial criteria to contribute to the performance, development and sustainability of organizations, with ethical, human and social sense in the exercise of their profession.
As a UCM specialist you will have the competencies to formulate and implement training strategies in management, quality management and you will perform internal quality audits and process modeling. In addition, you will be able to carry out business positioning strategies and develop and structure business concepts, leading the formulation, implementation and self-evaluation of continuous improvement processes.
Areas in which you can work:
- Management positions as strategic leader of management systems in organizations of all productive sectors.
- Leader of processes to promote the culture of quality as a strategy to achieve a model of excellence in organizational management and position the entities as benchmarks in their competitive environment.
Social contribution of the program
The Specialization in Quality Management generates impact in the business sector that contributes to organizational and business development, improving competitiveness indicators in their work contexts.
The UCM, through its Specialization in Quality Management, is committed to the intervention of problems related to organizational quality by building integrated management systems and quality assurance systems, which allow the improvement of administrative and academic management processes and procedures in the institutions; it also contributes to the strengthening of the culture and self-regulation capacity of the organizations.
Similarly, the Specialization seeks to generate academic discussions that contribute to the development of the curriculum, on topics such as: knowledge management and innovation, creation of flexible structures for organizations based on work teams, organizational development, new technologies for the organization of work, integrated risk management and business sustainability, among others, and their articulation with quality management systems.