The UCM Specialization in Educational Management is a response to the need of the region and the country to train educators with pedagogical and administrative efficiency, academic effectiveness and cultural transcendence to manage projects and improve the quality of education in educational institutions.
Aware of this need, UCM proposes this Specialization for you to focus your interest in promoting the capacity of progressive and permanent qualification of the human being, developing professional training processes from the planning, organization and evaluation of activities that allow the development of the educational sector.
The Specialization in Educational Management offers training focused on the development of managerial competencies and management processes in accordance with the approaches of educational administration, trends in education and pedagogical practices that respond to a personalized, humanized and liberating education.
To achieve this objective, in the Specialization you will acquire skills to investigate, analyze and recognize the problems that exist in educational organizations, as well as to identify their needs in the modernization processes. You will enhance skills and abilities to manage, lead, plan, build and implement educational proposals that improve institutions and promote comprehensive training and social development of communities.
In addition, you will be trained in the relationship between management and education, taking into account its influence on decision-making depending on the socio-cultural contexts. You will also obtain and learn tools for the transformation of educational institutions that enable knowledge, strategic direction and technical skills that promote the quality of educational service, taking into account the policies and regulations in force that contribute to human training and social development.
*Note: El descuento aplica para matrícula de estudiantes que inician en 2024-2 y comprende los 2 semestres que dura el proceso formativo.
4 face-to-face meetings per semester | Sábado de 7:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. en Manizales, Medellín y Popayán | Encuentros sincrónicos semanales virtuales una vez a la semana de 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.