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Specialization in Educational Management

Price $4.957.600

Offered in: Manizales, Medellín, Popayán

Duration 2 semestres

Degree: Especialista en Gerencia Educativa

Mode: Distance

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SNIES: 91010

14799 del 28 de julio de 2017 por 7 años

Faculty of Education

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester

Graduate Profile

As a graduate of the Specialization in Educational Management you will be able to investigate, analyze and recognize the problems, processes and contexts of educational institutions and organizations for work and human development, to contribute to the development, transformation and benefit of education in the regions. In addition, you will have the skills to guide, lead, design and implement strategic processes that generate an open, critical and reflective dialogue in the educational community, taking into account policy and legislation.

Areas in which you can perform:

  1. Rector or Director of educational institutions whose mission is to contribute to human formation and social development.
  2. Coordinator or teacher at different levels of pre-school, elementary, middle and high school, tertiary education and Education for Work and Human Development.
  3. Director of training and/or education in companies or non-governmental organizations leading educational development projects.
  4. Advisor and consultant in the formulation, management and evaluation of educational projects and programs.
  5. Leader in strategic management processes of educational institutions and organizations whose mission is to contribute to human formation and social development.
  6. Leader in the design, execution and evaluation of programs and institutional educational projects and in the construction of improvement plans.
  7. Promoter of appropriate classroom environments, through the management of strategies that improve learning and the generation of new knowledge.
  8. Dynamizer of processes for the design and implementation of Quality Management Systems and Quality Management Models.

Social contribution of the program

The Specialization in Educational Management allows students to establish relationships with the environment through participation in development projects articulated to the academic components of the program, in correspondence with research exercises of social impact. It also establishes strategic alliances that allow them to participate in projects of application in the local, regional and national contexts.

The Specialization contributes to the access to higher education to populations located in geographical areas far from the capital cities where the tutorial centers are located, making an important social contribution to the training of educators working in rural areas and other municipalities in the region.

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