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home universidad catolica de manizales

Specialization in Educational Management

Price $4.957.600

Offered in: Manizales, Medellín, Popayán

Duration 2 semestres

Degree: Especialista en Gerencia Educativa

Mode: Distance

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SNIES: 91010

14799 del 28 de julio de 2017 por 7 años

Faculty of Education

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester

Institutional Distance Education Unit - Tutorial Centers

The Institutional Unit of Distance Education has two modalities: Traditional Distance Education and Virtual Distance Education.

Traditional Distance Education is considered, at UCM, as a training option that contributes to the increase of higher education coverage in Colombia and the democratization of knowledge.

Technological mediation

The University has information and communication technology mediations with free access to users of the program, using the MOODLE platform, ZOOM, Big Blue Buttom. UCM's own software. Each Tutorial Center has the necessary technological infrastructure to guarantee the development of the program.

Pedagogical mediations

The University has its own pedagogical mediation for the development of distance methodology programs, called Knowledge Production Unit - UDPROCO - which has been validated in the development of undergraduate and graduate programs, which guarantees that the programs are developed within the framework of the principles and foundations of a personalizing and liberating education as established in the University's Educational Project. SYLLABUS is integrated as another pedagogical mediation for the development of virtual academic components.
These pedagogical mediations recognize the dynamics of interaction between educators, students and knowledge; they contain the development of each academic component in its theoretical foundation, methodological guidelines, individual and group activities, support readings and bibliographical references for consultation, including videos as a complementary resource. It also establishes the evaluation criteria for self-evaluation, co-evaluation and heteroevaluation.

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