UCM's Specialization in Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Attention is a response to the urgent need of today's world to improve the society-nature, society-society relationship that is evident in the high conditions of vulnerability in a changing climate; framed in the global agreements Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, Paris Agreement, World Humanitarian Agenda, New Urban Agenda.
Aware of this need, UCM offers this Specialization for leaders and decision makers who wish to know, understand and practice disaster risk management from an integral and systemic perspective to face an increasingly globalized and interconnected world with serious environmental, climatic, humanitarian, economic and political crises.
The Specialization in Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Attention offers a comprehensive training based on technical, scientific, ethical and humanistic principles that strengthen the competencies of Being, Knowing and Doing within the framework of the institutional pillars of UCM: Humanization, Socialization and Transcendence; in coherence and relationship with its personalizing and liberating pedagogical model.
At UCM you will deepen your understanding of risk and development as issues of the same agenda in which all actors are involved and are called to participate actively in the transformation of the realities of the territories from the dimensions of socio-cultural, economic-productive, political-institutional, environmental (natural and physical-environmental) development.
Based on the best practices, current knowledge, and the work of national and international experts, EPRAD seeks to provide the country and the region with committed men and women with high levels of technical, scientific, ethical and humanitarian training to solve everyday situations, as well as major crises associated with disaster risk, intervening in a systemic manner to address existing, future and residual risk.