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Degree in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 8 semestres

Degree: Licenciado en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental

Mode: Distance

This program no longer admits students

SNIES: 103875

20335 del 28 de noviembre de 2014 por 7 años

Faculty of Education

Level of education: Career - Undergraduate program

Admission: Every Semester

Enlighten the areas of knowledge, explore beyond the limits of understanding and drive the growth of the region!

The Bachelor's degree program in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education is the opportunity to broaden your knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology, and to acquire scientific, pedagogical, research, humanistic and communicative skills that will allow you to become a quality, qualified, updated and relevant teacher for the strengthening of education.

At UCM, you will develop skills that will allow you to design and implement didactic and pedagogical strategies aimed at developing environments that promote and encourage the learning of natural sciences and environmental education, and allow you to contribute to the educational, human, social and cultural development of the country.



Basic sciences

Semester 1

Logical Mathematical Thinking

3 Credits


3 Credits

Inorganic Chemical Systems

4 Credits

Project and investigative pedagogical practice: diagnosis

1 Credit

Language and Communicative Mediations

1 Credit

UCM Identity

2 Credits

Semester 2

History and epistemology of the natural sciences and environmental education

3 Credits

Calculation I

3 Credits

Biological Systems

4 Credits


4 Credits

Project and pedagogical research practice: contextualization

1 Credit

English I

1 Credit


1 Credit

Semester 3


2 Credits

Calculation II

3 Credits

Classical Mechanical Physics

4 Credits

Chemical and Organic Systems

4 Credits

Research pedagogical projects and practices: problematization

1 Credit

Curriculum and Evaluation

2 Credits

English II

1 Credit

Semester 4

Human Development

3 Credits


3 Credits

Environment & Development

4 Credits

Didactics of Natural Sciences

3 Credits

Projects and research practice: preliminary project

1 Credit

English III

1 Credit

Semester 5

Molecular Biology

4 Credits

Environmental Education

4 Credits

Didactics of Environmental Education

3 Credits

Political Constitution

3 Credits

Project and pedagogical research practice: rationale

1 Credit

English IV

1 Credit

Semester 6

Sociology of Education

3 Credits

Elective I - Natural Sciences

2 Credits

Wave Physics and Electromagnetism

4 Credits

Elective II -Pedagogy

2 Credits

Projects t pedagogical research practice: project

3 Credits

English V

1 Credit


1 Credit

Semester 7

Elective III - Environmental Education

2 Credits

English VI

1 Credit

Pedagogical and research practice I (Field work)

15 Créditos

Semester 8

Undergraduate Work

2 Credits

Pedagogical and research practice II

16 Créditos


Paula Andrea López Jiménez

Director de programa

Magíster en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

Elsa Victoria Mazenett González

Magíster en Biología.

Olga Giraldo Gómez

Magíster en Educación

Why this program at UCM?

Our degree program in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education has an academic proposal that will allow you to contribute to the human development of people with commitment and passion, implementing new pedagogical and didactic elements for the training of teachers of biology, physics and chemistry, contributing to the improvement of the teaching of natural sciences and promoting a culture of care for the local, regional, national and global environment. The distance learning modality offered by UCM, adjusts to your needs of autonomous time management, adjusting easily to your work schedules. In addition, the program recognizes the knowledge of the graduates of teacher training colleges, reducing the total duration of the program. The Human-Christian sense, characteristic seal of UCM, will allow you to provide comprehensive knowledge from science to the human in educational institutions, basic, middle and higher. Likewise, the experience of the professors of the Institution will allow you to deepen your knowledge to educate with responsibility and moral principles.

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.
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