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Degree in Mathematics and Physics

Price $3.439.200

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 8 semestres

Degree: Licenciado(a) en Matemáticas y Física

Mode: Distance

This program no longer admits students

SNIES: 103375

9124 del 11 de junio de 2014 por 7 años

Faculty of Education

Level of education: Career - Undergraduate program

Admission: Every Semester

Enlighten the areas of knowledge, explore beyond the limits of understanding and drive the growth of the region!

The Bachelor's degree program in Mathematics and Physics is the opportunity to broaden your knowledge and acquire scientific, pedagogical, research, humanistic and communicative skills that will allow you to become a quality, qualified, updated and relevant teacher for the strengthening of education.

At UCM, you will develop scientific and research skills aimed at building innovative proposals for the study and teaching of mathematics and physics. Additionally, you will learn to design and implement pedagogical strategies that promote and encourage learning and comprehensive training to enhance the physical, technological, human, social and cultural development of the country.



Basic sciences

Semester 1

History and Epistemology of Mathematics and Physics

2 Credits

Fundamental Mathematics

3 Credits


3 Credits

Pedagogical Foundation

2 Credits

Project and investigative pedagogical practice: diagnosis

1 Credit

English I

1 Credit

Language Communicative Mediations

1 Credit

UCM Identity

2 Credits

Semester 2

Formal Logic and Set Theoretics

2 Credits

Fundamental Physics

3 Credits


3 Credits

History and epistemology of pedagogy and pedagogical models

2 Credits

Projects and investigative pedagogical practice: contextualization

1 Credit

English II

1 Credit

Political Constitution

1 Credit


1 Credit

Semester 3


1 Credit

Differential calculation

3 Credits

Linear Algebra

3 Credits

Physics of Motion

3 Credits

Curriculum and Evaluation

2 Credits

Project and investigative pedagogical practice: problematization

1 Credit

English III

1 Credit

Philosophy of Education

1 Credit

Environmental Education

1 Credit

Semester 4

Sociology of Education

1 Credit

Analytical Geometry

3 Credits

Didactics of Mathematics

3 Credits

Physics Didactics

3 Credits


4 Credits

Project and investigative pedagogical practice: preliminary project

1 Credit

English IV

1 Credit

Semester 5

Psychology of Human Development

1 Credit

Integral calculation

3 Credits

Wave Motion

4 Credits

Educational Legislation

2 Credits

Project and pedagogical research practice: rationale

3 Credits

English V

1 Credit


1 Credit

Semester 6

Vector calculation

3 Credits

Electromagnetic Phenomena

4 Credits

Educating in Diversity

2 Credits

Elective: Pedagogical

2 Credits

Project and investigative pedagogical practice: project

3 Credits

English VI

1 Credit

Semester 7


3 Credits

Differential Equations

3 Credits

Elective: disciplinary

2 Credits

Practice Seminar I: Research Trends in Education and Pedagogy

1 Credit

Pedagogical Practice I

7 Créditos

Semester 8

Practice Seminar II: Research Trends in Education and Pedagogy

1 Credit

Pedagogical Practice II

14 Créditos

Degree Project

1 Credit


Paula Andrea López Jiménez

Director de programa

Magíster en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

Ana María Zapata Orjuela

Master Sciences, Technologies et Sante, Enim

César Javier Benavides

Magíster en Educación

Diego Fernando Gómez Montoya

Magíster en Ciencias – Física

Jorge Iván Zuluaga Giraldo

Magíster en Pedagogía

Luis Hernando Carmona Ramírez

Magíster en Didáctica de las Matemáticas

María Eugenia Olarte Olarte

Magíster en Educación a Distancia y Educación Virtual.

Mario Enrique Montoya Arias

Especialista en Planeación para la Educación Ambiental

Olga Giraldo Gómez

Magíster en Educación

Óscar Javier Sánchez Sánchez

Licenciado en Educación con Especialidad en Matemáticas

Paula Andrea Osorio Gutiérrez

Magíster en Didáctica de la matemática

Rubén Dario Lara Escobar

Magíster en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

Sebastián Isaac Pacheco González

Magíster en Ingeniería

Why this program at UCM?

Our Bachelor's degree program in Mathematics and Physics has an academic proposal that will allow you to contribute to the human development of people with dedication and passion, assuming teaching from pedagogical, humanistic, research and communication perspectives, which will allow you to design and implement comprehensive training strategies. The distance learning modality proposed by UCM, adjusts to your needs of autonomous time management, adjusting easily to your work schedule. Additionally, the program recognizes the knowledge of the graduates of teacher training colleges, reducing the total duration of the program. The Human-Christian sense, characteristic seal of UCM, will allow you to provide comprehensive knowledge from science to the human in educational institutions, basic, middle and higher. Likewise, the experience of the faculty of the Institution will allow you to deepen your knowledge to educate with responsibility and moral principles.

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.
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