The Master's Degree in Global Changes and Disaster Risk studies the global, natural and anthropic factors that influence the generation of current and future risk scenarios, from a systemic, holistic and complex approach that allows contributing to Sustainable Development.
Training objectives
- Strengthen individual, institutional and social capacities through the systemic processes of disaster risk management.
- To develop critical thinking in the face of the challenges posed by global changes and their effects on the territories.
Program competencies
- Ability to contribute to the solution of disaster risks generated by global changes to avoid and/or reduce losses and damages in different geographical contexts.
- Ability to lead sustainable development processes with a systemic, holistic and complex approach to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in the territories and the construction of resilient communities.
- Ability to apply technological tools that allow the use of data for decision making related to disaster risk generated by global changes.
- Ability to manage policies at different territorial and sectorial scales and contexts to contribute to sustainable development.
*Note: El descuento aplica para matrícula de estudiantes que inician en 2024-2 y comprende los 4 semestres que dura el proceso formativo.
Face-to-face meeting every month | Viernes, sábado y domingo.