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home universidad catolica de manizales

Master's Degree in Basic Science Didactics

Price $8.212.000

Offered in: Bucaramanga, Manizales, Popayán

Duration 4 semestres

Degree: Magíster en Didáctica de las Ciencias Básicas

Mode: Distance

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SNIES: 109547

018750 del 5 de octubre de 2020 por 7 años

Faculty of Education

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester


Semester 1

History of Educational and Pedagogical Thought

3 Credits

Historia y Epistemología de las Ciencias Básicas

2 Credits

Research Seminar I

2 Credits

UCM Identity

1 Credit

Psychology of Human Development

2 Credits

Semester 2

Teoría de la Enseñanza y del Aprendizaje

3 Credits

Didactics of Mathematics

3 Credits

Research Seminar II

3 Credits

Humanismo y Ciencia

2 Credits

Semester 3

Elective I

2 Credits

Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales

3 Credits

Estrategias Didácticas Mediadas por las TIC

3 Credits

Research Seminar III

3 Credits

Semester 4

Elective II

2 Credits

Research Seminar IV

6 Créditos

Elective III

2 Credits

Total credits: 42

*Note: 1. Students of the Universidad Católica de Manizales must accredit proficiency in English as a foreign language as a degree requirement in accordance with the criteria in the Foreign Language Regulations

2. Students of the Universidad Católica de Manizales can access the academic degree in specialization programs according to the modalities listed in the attached Regulation (art. 66 Reglamento Académico)

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