Graduate Profile

The Master's Degree in Education at UCM:
- Develops educational practices and processes with theoretical and conceptual foundations in contexts of socio-cultural complexity.
- Designs and implements research projects applied to different educational levels and scenarios.
- Leads processes and development of educational innovation products in regional and national application contexts.
- Establishes academic links and national and international knowledge networks with academic communities, society, business and the state.
- Relates the missional perspective of education to UCM's pedagogical approach.
Areas in which you can work:
- Design and develop research practices from a social, cultural and educational perspective, consistent with interdisciplinary epistemological perspectives that enable dialogue and articulation with different contexts.
- To produce knowledge relevant to the field of education -in correlation with social, cultural and educational dynamics- that can be communicated through indexed publications and other modalities of knowledge dissemination.
- Develop practices and processes of interaction with the community to promote innovations in educational management, curriculum development and teaching-learning dynamics.
- Manage research and innovation groups, projects and practices with different organizations, territorial entities and other local bodies, committed to the quality of education.
- Promote human development alternatives from an interdisciplinary perspective, in accordance with the social role of education and training to strengthen personal, social and community processes.
Social contribution of the program
The program maintains a permanent academic, research and theological reflection in the context of reconciliation (post-agreement) to which our nation is betting; it shares the conception of the Christian experience, not as a path of individual enlightenment but as a project of "integral human development" (Benedict XVI 2009); which allows understanding the rational condition, as an essential dimension of the person and effective way of convergence of wills, in achieving the social change that our country requires in the achievement of Peace.