Graduate Profile

The research in the Master's program focuses on teacher training in contexts of application in different regions of the Colombian territory and articulates the action of the research groups Education and Educator Training (EFE) and ALFA with its lines of research: Practices and Teacher Training, Education, Innovation and ICT, Didactics of Science and Mathematics (EFE) and Education and Democracy, Education and Development, Education, Pedagogy and Curriculum, Education and Subjectivity (ALFA).
Areas in which you can work:
- To strategically and competitively manage the educational knowledge of institutions/organizations within the framework of new trends in knowledge management.
- Identify the basic needs of the organizational environment in relation to the social, political, economic and ecological aspects, holistically and effectively addressing the decision making process in relation to the required educational changes.
- Contribute to the consolidation of intelligent organizations that, from the managerial and strategic approach of educational knowledge management, generate processes of transformation and competitive improvement.
- To enable the creation and promotion of educational processes that allow the development of the training requirements of the intelligent organization, fostering high levels of innovation, creativity and transformation that generate competitive advantages in the local and global context.
- To recognize the impact of political-cultural and scientific-pedagogical progress on management practices and educational innovation, through which the construction and distribution of socially valid and culturally relevant educational knowledge in organizations is made possible.
- To use the competitive advantages of making adequate and strategic use of Information and Communication Technologies in the field of Educational Knowledge Management.
- To develop educational research processes based on contextualized and pertinent knowledge problems that generate social appropriation.
Social contribution of the program
To put forward proposals that encourage the organizational value of educational knowledge and the diversity of thinking of the subjects in the different contexts of application.
To enhance the dynamics of educational and organizational processes in their path towards an open understanding of the promotion of knowledge in the perspective of social responsibility.
To develop exercises of organizational, pedagogical and curricular problematization that contribute an innovative view from the Educational Knowledge Management to the contexts of the different regions of the country.