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home universidad catolica de manizales

Master's Degree in Humanities and Theology

Price $8.457.800 divididos en dos pagos trimestrales

Duration 6 trimestres

Degree: Magíster en Humanidades y Teología

Mode: Virtual

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SNIES: 106021

022307 del 24 de noviembre de 2023 por 7 años

Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Theology

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester


Trimestre 1

Human Diversity and Interculturality

2 Credits

Theology, Humanities and Contemporaneity

3 Credits

UCM Identity

1 Credit

Trimestre 2

Theologies, Cultures and Narratives

2 Credits

Research I

2 Credits

Ethics of Human Development

2 Credits

Trimestre 3

Latin American Reality and Social Doctrine

2 Credits

Elective I

2 Credits

Research II

2 Credits

Trimestre 4

Human Ecology and Spirituality

3 Credits

Social Interaction and Religion

3 Credits

Trimestre 5

Pluralismo Religioso

2 Credits

Research III

2 Credits

Elective II

2 Credits

Trimestre 6

Teología Práctica

2 Credits

Research IV

2 Credits

Elective III

2 Credits

Total créditos: 36

*Note: 1. Students of the Universidad Católica de Manizales must accredit proficiency in English as a foreign language as a degree requirement in accordance with the criteria in the Foreign Language Regulations

2. Students of the Universidad Católica de Manizales can access the academic degree in specialization programs according to the modalities listed in the attached Regulation (art. 66 Reglamento Académico)

3. Elective 1

  • Human Diversity and Interculturality
  • Theology, Humanities and Contemporaneity
  • Theologies, Cultures and Narratives

Elective 2

  • Teología Práctica

Elective 3

  • Pluralismo religioso
  • Theology, Humanities and Contemporaneity
  • Teologías, Culturas y Narrativas; Pluralismo Religioso
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