In agreement with:

The Master in Memory and Transitional Scenarios is a program offered by the Universidad Católica de Manizales in agreement with the Universidad Católica de Pereira. It seeks to respond to global, national and local needs to reconstruct memory, understand social realities and carry out transition processes.
Aware of this need, the Institutions propose this Master's Degree as an alternative to investigate and analyze social problems and phenomena, where topics in the field of memory and transitional scenarios are articulated, allowing you to contextualize yourself in historical and contemporary events that frame the realities and conditions of each environment.
The Master in Memory and Transitional Scenarios offers you a training with a social and human perspective, allowing you to develop a holistic and rational vision with a theoretical-practical structure that allows you to contextualize the history and contemporary perspectives of memory.
To achieve this objective, in the Master's program you will delve into both historical and contemporary phenomena, in institutional and non-institutional spheres of our context, which will allow you to study the development of transitional scenarios in the local, national and international framework with an inter and transdisciplinary view framed in different realities.
In the Master's program you will develop skills that will allow you to research, analyze, build and follow up on proposals for the construction of memory and transition scenarios, taking into account human rights, reconciliation, and the processes carried out in the country and the world.
*Note: El descuento aplica para matrícula de estudiantes que inician en 2024-2 y comprende los 4 semestres que dura el proceso formativo.
*Note: El descuento aplica para matrícula de estudiantes pertenecientes a instituciones y organizaciones aliadas al Núcleo de Estudios en Memoria y Paz de la UCM y comprende los 4 semestres que dura el proceso formativo.
Face-to-face meeting every month (alternating between Manizales and Pereira). | Friday 2:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. | Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.