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Master's Degree in Agroindustrial Microbiology

Price $10.820.400

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 4 semestres

Degree: Magíster en Microbiología Agroindustrial

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 91325

2929 del 22 de febrero de 2018 por 7 años

Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, IMBA

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester

UCM's Master in Agroindustrial Microbiology focuses your interest in the evaluation of the potential of microorganisms in agroindustrial processes. This Master's degree will give you the tools to research, diagnose and design methods to strengthen agroindustry and enhance its integration with the business and governmental sectors.

In our program you will delve into alternatives focused on welfare and quality processes for consumers, you will be able to support and create methods to increase productivity and quality standards of farmers. Additionally, you will integrate theories and methods from different areas such as: microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, among others, to address new phenomena in the agroindustrial sector.


*Note: El descuento aplica para matrícula de estudiantes que inician en 2024-2 y comprende los 4 semestres que dura el proceso formativo.

Face-to-face meeting every 15 days | Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. | Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. | Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 m. (occasional) | *Annual call (first semester of the year).



Semester 1

Advanced Microbiology

4 Credits



4 Credits


Agroindustrial Systems

2 Credits


Seminar I

3 Credits


Institutional Identity

1 Credit


Semester 2

Microbiological Identification Techniques

4 Credits



4 Credits


Business Development

2 Credits


Seminar II

3 Credits


Semester 3

Agricultural Microbiology

2 Credits


Industrial Microbiology

2 Credits



2 Credits


Elective I

4 Credits


Research Workshop

5 Créditos


Semester 4

Elective II

4 Credits


Degree Project

9 Créditos



Gloria Inés Estrada Salazar

Director de programa

Magíster en Microbiología

Beatriz Elena Padilla Hurtado

Doctora en Ciencias Agrarias

Claudia Nohemy Montoya Estrada

Doctora en Fitopatología

Eliana Mendoza Mendoza

Magíster en Microbiología Agroindustrial

Gloria María Restrepo Franco

Doctora en Ciencias Agrarias.

Javier Guillermo Mantilla Afanador

Doctor en Entomología

Juan Guillermo Delgado Martínez

Magister en Filosofía.

Olga Lucia Tovar Aguirre

Doctora en Microbiología.

Why this program at UCM?

The Master in Agroindustrial Microbiology is born from UCM's commitment to the development of the region, prioritizing the formation of human capital and the qualification of research processes in order to integrate the business and governmental sectors with the objective of strengthening, making visible and supporting new agroindustrial trends that help consumers, farmers, governments and institutions to fight hunger, ensure environmental quality, preserve biodiversity and promote health, quality and food safety. This Master's Degree is a contribution of UCM to provide you with knowledge that will help strengthen the agro-industrial sector at local, regional and national levels; allowing you, through training, research and application of knowledge, to support the creation, development and innovation of biotechnology-based companies. Additionally, you will have the support of the Institute for Research in Microbiology and Agroindustrial Biotechnology and the research groups Biológicas-GIBI and INDETSA to support you in your knowledge application processes.

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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